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  1. R

    Rose of Sharon...

    Maggie, I don’t suppose I could talk you into/pay for shipping for seeds from your beautiful trees?
  2. R

    Is this normal Leopard Hatchling Growth?

    Thank you. That "sticking" was one of my foremost concerns now that we are seeing growth. I will try the olive oil starting with his next soak. I think I will continue to be concerned until he is much bigger, but I am heartened to see positive motion. Just as a quick follow up: is giving...
  3. R

    Is this normal Leopard Hatchling Growth?

    Thank you. We are quite fond of him/her (TBD). I will endeavor to get the humidity up. While it is closed chamber, I think there are some seams that I could do a better job of sealing to hold in that humidity better. I have been torn. I am eager to see him grow steadily, but I am now...
  4. R

    Is this normal Leopard Hatchling Growth?

    Hello all. I am looking for advice as to whether the growth I am seeing on our Leopard "hatchling" is appropriate. Some quick background before the specific details I am asking about. My wife adopted this Leopard hatchling a bit over two years ago. Frankly, she was unprepared and got a lot...
  5. R

    Will my house burn down?!

    An Amp or Ampere is a unit measure of current. The same way a Volt is a unit measure of voltage, a Watt is a unit measure of power, Watt-hours (e.g. kWh) are a unit measure of energy. As the roughest metaphor, if you viewed electrons flowing through a wire in the same way you view water...
  6. R

    Will my house burn down?!

    I couldn’t agree more. My living area is so much more pleasant after replacing mechanical timers for our snake, tortoise and turtle.
  7. R

    Will my house burn down?!

    Sorry, yes. Another excellent example of what not to do. it does fall into the category of improper wiring, but it is something people do far too often.
  8. R

    Will my house burn down?!

    Speaking as a former electrical engineer, Tom is right. There is no inherent fire hazard resulting from a UVB or heat lamp being on for 24-hours, 48-hours, or a week. Fire hazards are going to come from improper mounting, improper home wiring, improper fixtures, or having something flammable...
  9. R

    5yo adopted sulcata acting disoriented

    Tom, question for you. If the sulcata will leave its warmed house at night to be cold under a bush, how do you keep them warm at night? Currently I have a leopard tortoise hatchling that I would like to eventually home outside and I am looking to plan ahead. Thanks.