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  1. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    Thank you very much for this information. At this stage I’m not considering having any more but I take note of your advice and info on your Leopards habits and how to compensate for the climate. Wishing I had all the best information from the start instead of relying on a couple of books and...
  2. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    Thank you for your reply. The scenario you suggest is the most likely explanation. I do wish I’d known much more about the specifics of their care and maybe we could have avoided this very sad occurrence. I think because they’d never displayed any outward signs that they’d struggled or only...
  3. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    Gosh I hope no-ones that mad at me to hurt the torts! basically they’d have to be mad full stop to do that. Yes they’d survived and thrived year on year - the leopard was huge. He always slowed down in winter even when he had his lamp and heat mat on - in fact he’d rarely choose to sit under...
  4. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    Thank you for your reply. I did not hibernate the Herman’s as I was told by our reptile centre it wasn’t necessary. He stayed awake all year
  5. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    No problem answering questions but please do understand that their conditions and feed had been the same for as long as I’d had them -13 years the leopard and 5 years the hermann. You would be perfectly right in asking if they had ideal conditions throughout their lives and the honest answer...
  6. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    My apologies I neglected to mention any symptoms. In the case of the Lropatd tort I had noticed nothing unusual. In the case of the Herman’s whom I was watching extra closely following the death of the Leopard no obvious symptoms other than during his last soak he seemed to be having trouble...
  7. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    Both captive bred yes. Leopard 13 Herm, 5. The temp would not go any lower than 18 degrees Celsius (temperature controlled building. During the day the temperature would increase according to the amount of sunlight. The hermann would soak approx every 5 to 7 days. The leopard would only eat...
  8. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    Yes certainly. Both tortoises had their separate habitats within an insulated and heated outbuilding which they’d been in for a long long time with no problems. Both torts had access to natural sun shine in the summer. The Leopard always enjoyed the run of the garden and the younger Herman...
  9. Darren1965

    13 yr old leopard and 5 yr old hermann died within 10 days of each other?

    If anyone could shed any light on what could have happened to my two torts please? I’d had the Leopard from a youngster and although not a hibernating tort he would slow down during the dark winter months. In summer he lived mostly outside feeding on natural grasses. I found him dead on the...