Search results

  1. Erisa Nicole

    Orange County, Ca members?

    Hello! I am from Orange County, California and am curious if there are any members near? I am also curious if any have adopted from the CTTC! I am waiting for a response back for adoption. Can you tell me your experience with the CTTC?
  2. Erisa Nicole

    New member from So Cal

    Hello all! I am new to Tortoise Forum! I am so extremely thrilled to be a member! My husband and I are animal lovers and are interested in adopting a tortoise. This site would definitely help us in the adoption process. When my husband and I started having pets, we decided adoption or saving...
  3. Erisa Nicole

    Wanting to adopt a tortoise in California!

    Hello all! My husband and I are wanting to adopt a medium size tortoise. We live in Orange County, California. Please, if your tortoise needs a home, reply back!!! We are willing to drive as far as San Diego if need be. Thanks!