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  1. willy wonka

    i'm really5 sad!!!!!!!!!!!

    today my friend found one of my stars death inside my indoor set up... i'm really2 sad.. not because she is sick... her top shell broke, fall down apart, no head, no left hand and leg. her body inside also gone like been eaten. i suspected it was rat that ate my lovely stars. but there's no rat...
  2. willy wonka

    how to make my stars more active?

    hii.... i have two little stars. both of them not more than a years old. one of them is so active. like to walking around in her enclosure. and guess what?.., she also like to climb!! when she eat, she eat like she is very2 hungry. i'm so happy see her like that. but my problem is the other...
  3. willy wonka

    mazuri diet?

    hi..., i'm from malaysia. i heard about mazuri product. i'm being told that it is good for torts. my problem is, i can't find it in here! is anyone from malaysia know where i can find it?? plaese help.. :(
  4. willy wonka


    hi all..., last week my friend mention me about worms inside star's. my question are, is it any way to get rid of them without go to the vet?? is it dangerous?? please advice me tnanks...
  5. willy wonka

    timothy hay grass for star tortoise??

    hi everyone.. is timothy grass hay good for little star tortoise? is it suitable for them? i'm planning to use timothy grass hay as substrate for my little star tortoise's indoor enclosure.. please advice?? thanks..
  6. willy wonka

    Help!! Please advice

    hi all... today i found my little star have watery eye with her eye shut.. she still eat like usually. her nose and mouth is normal. no nasal bubbles and no mucous in the mouth. but i became confuse because she keep pull in her head 3 4 times in one times in suddenly! she look...
  7. willy wonka

    suitable uvb watts??

    hi there.. i have two little stars. both of them not over a years old and seem active.. what"s the suitable uvb watts should i use for them?? is 100 watts enough or too much for them. i'm planning to use mvb.. thanks...
  8. willy wonka

    hi all!! stars from malaysia

    hi!! i'm a new comer in this forum. recently i had followed and found a lot of info from this forum. i had two little stars name tetel and tortis (my fiancee gave their name). hope you'll like what you see just like i do hehehehe