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  1. fergusaur

    Normal Behavior?

    I extended my 2 and half-3 year old hermann’s tortoise enclosure to be 5ft long and 3ft wide 5 weeks ago and I just wanted some opinions on his more recent behavior. He’s always constantly trying to escape the enclosure and pacing around. I understand that pacing around is nature for tortoises...
  2. fergusaur

    Tortoise keeps humping rock

    My male eastern hermann’s tortoise named Hulu has recently started humping this new rock I put into his enclosure. He’s about 2 and half years old (possibly a little older), so I guess he’s finally reaching the age of sexual maturity. I understand that this is natural behavior for him, but I’m...
  3. fergusaur

    Is my enclosure big enough ?

    I recently built my 2 and half year old tortoise Hulu a new enclosure a week ago. It’s 5ft long and 3.5 ft wide. Is this big enough for a tortoise his age? He’s been scratching the walls way less than he did before but he’s still pacing around and trying to climb out and ignoring his food but I...
  4. fergusaur

    Tortoise acting erratic

    3 days ago I increased my 2 and half year old Hermann’s tortoise’s enclosure to 5 ft long and 3 and half wide. Because he is a picky eater I’ve decided to give him some tough love and just give him some new foods I know he won’t like so that he’ll become less picky. I’ve just been feeding him...
  5. fergusaur

    Adjusting to new enclosure?

    Hi! I just built my tortoise a new enclosure yesterday and he’s pacing around, stratching at the walls and barely eating. I’m assuming he’s just stressed because he’s in a new environment but I would like some advice just to be sure. He’s never had a strip uvb light before because I have been...
  6. fergusaur

    New enclosure, I’d like some opinions on it pls!

    This is a 4ft long 3ft wide bookshelf that I turned into an enclosure for my yearling eastern hermann’s tortoise Hulu. I finally got rid of my mercury vapor bulb and switched to an acardia 75 watt flood bulb and a t5 ho reptisun uvb strip bulb hanging 20 inches in the air. He also has a clamp...
  7. fergusaur

    How high should I hang my reptisun bulb?

    How high should my t5 10.0 high output uvb bulb be for my eastern hermann’s tortoise? I’m assuming like 15 inches or higher since I’m using a reflector but I’m not exactly sure on the specific height it should be around. It’s an open top enclosure with no screen.
  8. fergusaur

    Need help deciding which enclosure to build

    Hi! I’m currently in the process of getting a new enclosure for my tortoise as he’s outgrown his current one. He’s a hermann’s tortoise and is 1 and half years old. I wanted to ask would it be better to make one that’s 6ft long and 2 ft wide or make one that’s around 4ft long (44 inches to be...
  9. fergusaur

    Tortoise penis concerns

    Is it normal to see your tortoises penis when they urinate or poop? Whenever I see my tortoise eat turnip greens sometimes he sits in his water dish, tucks his head in, raises his hind legs and then extracts his waste. After that he’s totally normal, his penis will retract and he will either lay...
  10. fergusaur

    Rainbow chard

    I have an eastern hermann’s tortoise and was wondering how many times a week can I feed bok choy and rainbow chard? I assume for the rainbow chard only once per week since it contains a high amount of oxalic acid similar to kale, and for the bok choy probably at least twice a week as long as...
  11. fergusaur

    Do I need a thermostat for my basking light ?

    Do I need a thermostat for a halogen or incandescent flood lights? I’d imagine as long as I keep it at a high enough height it would be fine and won’t overheat his basking zone and the enclosure. Also since it’s on emitting uva, the height doesn’t matter like how it does with uvb right? If I do...
  12. fergusaur

    Waking up before lights come on

    My 6-7 month Hermann’s tortoise has been getting up before his lights come on and I want to know if that’s normal behavior? His morning lights come on at 7:00 am and they turn off at 7:30pm. He usually goes asleep for the day between 12-4 pm since it’s winter at the moment. But lately I’ve been...
  13. fergusaur

    Normally winter activity ?

    Hulu, my 7-8 old eastern Hermann’s tortoise, has had a decreased appetite and goes to sleep earlier ever since winter has started. His lights come on at 7 am and he usually asleep for the day between the hours of 12-4. He is still very active and will walk around his enclosure in the morning...
  14. fergusaur

    How does his shell look ?

    Hi everyone. It’s been about 3 months since I had Hulu, my baby eastern Hermann’s. He’s about 5-6 months old and I just wanted y’all’s opinion on how his shell is doing. Just wanna make sure he isn’t showing any signs of early pyramiding
  15. fergusaur

    How high should my uvb strip light be?

    I have a baby Hermann’s tortoise and my strip bulb fixture came arrived in the mail today, and I was wondering how exactly I should mount it on my cage. Should I just mount it straight across the middle, or put it on one specific side. And I was wondering how I should lay it on there...
  16. fergusaur

    Is this poop healthy

    I have a 2 month old Hermann’s tortoise and I just wanted to see if y’all thought his poop looked healthy or not. It’s not like a solid log or anything, but it has some levels of firmness to it, but it’s mainly soft.
  17. fergusaur

    How long should my baby tortoise eat?

    I have a 2 month old Hermann’s tortoise named Hulu and I was wondering how long should I let him eat his food. I use to leave his food out the whole day, but his veggies dry up overtime in his enclosure. I also feed him Timothy and orchard grass/hay, but it hear that since I wet it for him, it...
  18. fergusaur

    Can I feed hay daily?

    I just bought my baby Hermann’s tortoise some Timothy hay and some orchard grass to add some variety to their diet. Is it good to feed this to him daily alongside some leafy greens and mazuri small tortoises diet? I here hay is pretty bland for them so I also got some flower food topper
  19. fergusaur

    Are my temperatures and humidity levels good ?

    I’ve read on this forum and other places that pouring a cup of water can help with humidity in the enclosure. I use a zoo med tortoise house (not the best I know) which has on open top with railing. After pouring the cup in my substrate and mixing it together, my humidity is now in the high 80’s...
  20. fergusaur

    Baby Herman’s diet

    My 2 month old Herman’s tortoise (Hulu) currently has a diet of collard greens and Romain lettece (his favorite food) which I feed him daily, and then I also rotate between adding carrot strips and parsley alongside the leafy greens. I know his diet needs more variety, so I was thinking of...