Recent content by Zoey339

  1. Z

    our new baby

    Anyway I thank you for ur help but I might be done with this site. I asked twice for enclosure help before I got him and no one ever mentioned compact florescent were bad. Or i would not have got the tortoise in winter. Someone mentioned another type for heat and uvb but it was $100 and that...
  2. Z

    our new baby

    I heard mustard greens and collard greens were bad....
  3. Z

    our new baby

    That's the first I'm hearing of this. And returning it is not an option. Neither is really using a non compact florescent. Hes in there for 3 months so its that or nothing. I can try turning it off but I really dont think that's it.
  4. Z

    our new baby

    The uvb? It's a compact florescent.
  5. Z

    our new baby

    Thanks for the reply. No, he did not come from as petstore. And I know better than to trust petstore employees. With maybe a few exceptions. I do know employees who really know their stuff on some animals. But everything I have learned has been from the Internet and from here. It's very hard...
  6. Z

    our new baby

    Okay but I already said I had read tons of care sheets and those did not answer any of my questions. I don't want to start a fight here though. I do my homework beforehand. The caresheets were what were confusing me. And needed an answer to them.
  7. Z

    our new baby

    I would get a pic of it if it wasn't so difficult to get in and out of that room. It's locked tied shut with bells on it to keep someone out of it until christmas. He better be excited, he's been asking for one for 2 years. He thinks he's getting a Wii U. I think this is better imo. His temp...
  8. Z

    our new baby

    I didn't realize they sold chicory outside of coffee. And I always thought it was a stick. I don't visit the greens selection often and even then it's to pick up a spring mix for myself. Thanks. I'll see what I can find. But another stupid question, can I freeze greens? Kinda funny I always...
  9. Z

    our new baby

    As I said. I'm tired of reading care sheets and like. I've probably read those and 9 others. If i wanted sheet cares why would I have posted on a forum with live people?
  10. Z

    our new baby

    I received our first Russian tortoise yesterday. He's being hidden from my son until Christmas so no name yet. Super excited about this guy and hope all goes well. He seems to be healthy but hasn't come out of his hide. Hasn't ate or gone in the water. I did put him in some water when I first...
  11. Z

    Need help getting started

    The temp here can be crazy. 60 in the morning in close to 90 by the afternoon. This is actually fairly common. It can be really rainy for weeks than no rain for weeks straight. I'm trying to go as basic as possibly on the enclosure both indoors and outdoors. So outdoor heating is not likely to...
  12. Z

    Need help getting started

    Just concerned if they don't hibernate then I imagine they don't handle the cold well. While our cold weather isn't really bad until late Dec or Jan we will have cold fronts and cold weather off and on until then in oct, nov, dec. Could they survive a little cold outside or when to bring them in?
  13. Z

    Need help getting started

    I know red foots don't hibernate. How cold can it get before u have to bring them inside?
  14. Z

    Need help getting started

    Hi. I've posted here before but decided not to get a tortoise at the time. But here we go again. My son has been asking for a tortoise for last 2 years or so and I want to get it for him for christmas. I live in new orleans. It can be very hot and humid during the summer, like high 90s for...
  15. Z

    Greek outdoor enclosure

    Thanks. My dad is going to open build it a pen outside. He's just concern it will not survive the winter outside. My box turtles I just threw a pile of pine needles and leaves and they took care of themselves for the winter but they were wild caught. The only one I tried that with that wasn't...