Recent content by texastort55555

  1. T

    Vomiting worms

    Hi crimson lotus, We have had our tort for about 5 years, so not new. I called the vet back and he said that it was some sort of roundworm. I thought it was strange to give Panacur for five days straight as well. I am happy to report though, that he had some dead worms in his poop today! So, its...
  2. T

    Vomiting worms

    My tortoise is vomiting worms that are long and pink. They are alive. I took him tot he vet immediately, but he didn't know what kind of worms they were. He gave me Panacur, which I started last night. Tonight he took the second dose. The vet gave me a five day dose. However, he vomited the...
  3. T

    Bermuda grass seeds

    Thank you for this information I actually do not have any specific reason for seeking out Bermuda grass. It was just something stuck in my head. So, thank you for the alternative. I will most definitely try it.
  4. T

    Bermuda grass seeds

    Thank you so much! Bermuda grass is ridiculously expensive. I wrote to Carolina pet supply, and they actually went out of their way to source it for me. They are going to get me some, but it will take a while. They are charging me $6.95 for 1/2 pound I think. Im starting to think that I am the...
  5. T

    Bermuda grass seeds

    Hi. Carolina pet supply does NOT have it. Isn't that weird?
  6. T

    Bermuda grass seeds

    I can not find Bermuda grass seed that does not contain fertilizer! I would like to grow my own Bermuda grass, for my sulcata. Where can I buy Bermuda grass seeds?