Recent content by Tech13

  1. Tech13

    Scale stuck to eye or third eyelid problem?

    Hello all, Tech must have had a scale that he shed sticking to his eye, it was gone the next day. He is fine now.
  2. Tech13

    Scale stuck to eye or third eyelid problem?

    I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on my greek tortoise's eye problem and the best way to treat it. I put Zoo Med Repti Turtle Eye Drops on it yesterday and today. The first picture is from yesterday the second picture is from today. His right eye looks normal. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Tech13

    Bath Time

    Aww, your tort is such a cutie! Thanks for posting your pics. My fave is the one where he looks right into your lens! Adorable!
  4. Tech13

    Good worms or bad worms?(Help please)

    I had my Greek to the tort vet yesterday and the fecal had no signs of worms. I told him the worms were in the urine. My tort did urinate and urate a little in the bin I brought him in, but the vet did not test this since he said it would be in the feces too. I just got a nice fresh poo from my...
  5. Tech13

    Good worms or bad worms?(Help please)

    Thank you to all! I will visit the nearest tortoise vet and I pray he will be ok! He burrowed to go to sleep early today so I hope he's not feeling too bad. I'll update as soon as I can. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. [hr] I live in South Central Pennsylvania and right now I feed...
  6. Tech13

    Good worms or bad worms?(Help please)

    My little Greek tort peed today when i picked him up and it landed on one of his rocks. I saw super thin tiny little threadlike whipping worms swirling in his urine! How serious is this? Is a trip to the vet in order? Please advise.
  7. Tech13

    Bath Time

    this is the coconut oil I bought and used it twice on my tort so far, it is cold pressed, organic extra virgin, non-GMO and all of that good stuff...and makes our little Greek's shell look really great! I have not seen any ill effects but i only used a tiny bit and it was a month between uses...
  8. Tech13

    Oliver the rescue Sulcata...50 pounds of drug bust contraban

    I love the fridge pic of Oliver...and I am so glad you gave him a home for keeps so that he won't bounce around from home to home anymore. He's a cutie
  9. Tech13

    Set my quit date!

    I don't get on the forum much, but I just read the last 2 pages and... Great for you! I quit cold turkey over 20 years ago, knowing I would be the better for it. My one not saving and/or investing the $ I saved, I would be rich! My advice to you is to watch your bank account grow as...
  10. Tech13

    Willow vs. Mazuri

    So cute! They always do something to bring a smile to our faces, thanks for sharing
  11. Tech13

    Why did you choose your username?

    My 9 year old chose the name Technomancer for his new tortoise and we got Tech in 2013. Tech13 sounded like a good username since I joined this forum on his behalf. My name is really doesn't sound as good for a username ;)
  12. Tech13

    To Opuntia or not to Opuntia (Mazuri too)?

    Ok, I will be persistent and patient with the opuntia. I got our little tort to taste it twice while eating a favorite, but he stopped (and he was like, What was that?) and started eating at another place on his greens. He actually pushed it back out of his mouth with his tongue, lol! He is...
  13. Tech13

    To Opuntia or not to Opuntia (Mazuri too)?

    I bought some Opuntia and my son's little Greek is not interested...any tips? I sliced it down thru the middle then in strips after I took this pic, but still no go. Does anyone cut off the outer layer? it is pretty tough. Also, is Mazuri Tortoise Diet appropriate for a Greek? I thought I'd get...
  14. Tech13

    28 Snappers Hatch

    My 9 year old son and I enjoyed your video, well done! So glad they were given a better chance for survival :)
  15. Tech13

    Will he die :'(

    Lol! Thanks for that humor...great way to start the day ;)