Recent content by sleepowers

  1. S

    100 yr old Desert Tortoise yard question

    Angel, we have four desert tortoises that are about 30 to 36 years old. They love fruit, they love corn on the cob. We feed them white or yellow nectarines, bananas, strawberries that we cut into "bite" size pieces. We also have tried cantaloupe and honeydew melon but they like others fruit...
  2. S

    Help to care for desert tortoises while we're on vacation for ten days but my son will be here all except 8/15/21 through 8/18/21.

    Hello. I live in La Mirada, CA which is just north of Buena Park, CA. We have four desert tortoises. They live outdoors and have a large dog house they sleep in as well as a large area to walk around in. We will be going on vacation for 10 days and my son will be here for part of that time...
  3. S

    Corn leaves?

    We have four desert tortoises that we received from my son's friend years ago as babies and raised them. they are about 32 years old now and they LOVE to eat corn, not the leaves but the whole corn and cob. So fun to watch them eat it, as they have no teeth but gnaw on it until there is...