Recent content by Seaan

  1. Seaan

    Stephen King books

    Finding time to read isn't easy.. Although I've been so engrossed in It the last few days it's hard to find the time to do anything BUT read ;)
  2. Seaan

    Stephen King books

    Thanks for making this thread, giving me plenty of ideas for what to follow up with next!
  3. Seaan

    Stephen King books

    I've been reading 'It' for the last six weeks with about another 300 pages to go. It's such an epic book! Really, really enjoying it. I also read The Green Mile, which was fantastic. Well worth a read, and less lengthy ;)
  4. Seaan

    What a difference a year can make?

    Love it. Will definitely be pinching :-D thanks for the idea!
  5. Seaan

    What a difference a year can make?

    I like the idea of drawing around the tortoise a lot. I think I'll do the same when I get mine! Nice visual to accompany the facts and figures of length and weight. :-)
  6. Seaan

    Overall Appearance

    This is the smoothest RT I've seen. Fab job!
  7. Seaan

    Where do you live tag

    Aberdeen, Scotland :-)
  8. Seaan

    Pics of Red Foot environment

    Is the flamingo real too? :D
  9. Seaan

    MISSION:Get Billy back.

    If this is right then I know that there are baby Marginateds available at I would love to get one of these hatchlings. Only twelve weeks old. Wishful thinking on my part until my partner agrees..
  10. Seaan

    Emergency! Baby Leopard tortoise bleeding spots on bottom shell! please help!

    Aw man, I'd been following this thread for a few days and hoping for the best. That's a complete nightmare, sorry for your loss. :-(
  11. Seaan

    Planning ahead.. (what species??)

    Thanks for the help guys :-)
  12. Seaan

    Planning ahead.. (what species??)

    That's a very good point. I do plan on housing it outside as much as possible though after a couple of years (temperature permitting here in the North of Scotland).
  13. Seaan

    Planning ahead.. (what species??)

    Thanks for the reply! Any other information would be appreciated :-)
  14. Seaan

    Planning ahead.. (what species??)

    Hey, I am writing for some advice about what type of tortoise people would recommend I get in the future. I currently live in a flat which doesn't have a garden yet and want to wait until I live somewhere with more room. However, that doesn't stop me from thinking about tortoises a lot and...
  15. Seaan

    British tortoise owners

    Hello, this is my very first post but I thought it was appropriate to put it in here because I live in Scotland. I don't have a tortoise of my own yet but have been doing a lot of research in anticipation of getting one! Nice to hear from people nearby!