Recent content by Mothteeth

  1. M

    Going Bioactive

    I meant docile as in he's never bitten anyone or anything. He really likes to move around and climb on his hides and hills. He bulldozes his veggies and digs fine. The only times he's not moving is when he's napping or at night. I have a few heat lamps for them , I couldn't tell you what kind as...
  2. M

    Going Bioactive

    I have them in an enclosure comprised of multiple 50 gallon bins duct taped together to make a big enclosure. I have 3 bins as their enclosure at the moment. I am quite sure it's big enough and I intend to go bigger with a final fourth bin if I get the chance. I can't go outdoors as I live in an...
  3. M

    Going Bioactive

    So, I have a pair of Russian Tortoises male and female (they live in a large indoor bin enclosure and have never fought and just left each other alone and have been incredibly docile for all the years I've had them. I do have an old backup glass terrarium as a backup though) and I plan to go...