Recent content by kristen3

  1. kristen3

    I have questions about my tortoises habbits

    That makes a lot of sense thank you.
  2. kristen3

    I have questions about my tortoises habbits

    Well he may not need extra humidity here its always above 50% even in a drought. But about extreme temperatures it's been well over 95 here lately. Would temps of over 100 effect him?
  3. kristen3

    I have questions about my tortoises habbits

    Oh OK well that changes everything. And it's good to know they can have above burrows.
  4. kristen3

    I have questions about my tortoises habbits

    Yes that's him. I keep him inside at night because it's very humid. I thought having high humidity is bad for them is there any way to keep the humidity out?
  5. kristen3

    I have questions about my tortoises habbits

    We did but with the way he's been beat up he's been on his own for a while and when he goes outside he doesn't go anywhere or burrow or anything I've come to expect.
  6. kristen3

    I have questions about my tortoises habbits

    My leopard tortoise has a few strange things that he does. A family friend found him a couple days ago and I braught him home. He has some damage to the back part of his shell but it's healed. He taps his nose on walls, food, and some toys. The other odd thing he does is he won't eat grass or...
  7. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    I do too but it doesn't seem to bother him.
  8. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    He has. I would love to find out his back story I really want to know how old he is
  9. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    Here he is
  10. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    Mine isn't very agressive but he only turtles I've seen him around were a couple box turtles and he just pushed them like he didn't even see them.
  11. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    Thank you. The dog will be going soon my brother finally got a house and is going to take her home by the end of the week. I have to say he is Heavy. Around 25 lb I think.
  12. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    The fence in the picture was a box turtle fence my grandmother has. He stayed there for a couple hours until I brought him to my house. We have a large fenced in area. It should work until I can build his enclosure. Here's the picture of his belly. His tail is 7 or 8 inches long.
  13. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    I've been watching her all day. She's scared of him. This is the closest they have been since I brought him home.
  14. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    This one was found in lake Charles in a hay field. I do want to keep him. He had this injury for a while I cleaned him with baby soap. Will his shell ever grow back? If not it won't bother my I just want him to be comfortable.
  15. kristen3

    What kind of tortoise do I have?

    I gave him a bath last night that's how I found out he was a he lol. But he didn't seem to like it much. Although I have to say he is more social today. He was even showing interest in my brothers lab and he's eating today.