Recent content by Kinra

  1. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    Thank you, I wish I had noticed sooner how bad off he was. :( He unfortunately passed away last night. I found him this morning when I went to get him for a Pedialyte soak. :(
  2. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    Thank you everyone for your help, I was unfortunately too late to save him. He died sometime last night. I went to go get him to give him a soak in Pedialyte and I found him dead. :'(
  3. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    Today is the last day we are going to have above freezing for a while and it's raining today not sunny. :(
  4. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    This is exact UVB blub I am using right now: I've been told his cage is too small to use a mercury vapor...
  5. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    I talked to a friend who also keeps a few tortoises. He told me my little guy needed calcium asap and gave me some liquid calcium to give him for a while. I took a few more pictures tonight to give everyone a better idea of the light setup. I also found the lid to the tub and cut part of it...
  6. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    So I just got home and checked on him. I don't make a habit of checking his belly but it is super soft. There is no hardness to his plastron. I have him soaking in some clear unflavored Pedialyte right now. How do I fix his soft shell issues? The person I got him said the softness in the...
  7. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    Is there an easy way to bump the temps just for him and not for the whole room? He's kept in the same room as my crested geckos and 85 is way too high for them.
  8. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    The ambient temperature in the room is about 75-80 during the day. At night it might drop to about 72-73. I don't have a temp on basking spot right now though. I have two temp guns and I can't find either of them. I don't have a humidity reading either, I just try to keep it moist. He can...
  9. K

    Need help with a cherry head

    I've had my little one for a while but it doesn't seem to be doing well and recently stopped eating. He used to demolish turnip greens and collard greens but now he won't touch them. For the past few days I've been offering him Nature Zone Bites (little Orange cubes), I've also tried moistened...