Recent content by Kekewalks

  1. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    He does have two different eyes... like shape and color. Which Ive never seen before, ever. One is like a cute finding nemo cartoon eye, kinda golden brown. The other is a regular turtle eye and is a bright gold.
  2. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    Just a little update, Stevie is doing much better now that we built him a nice little habitat and have him outdoors. Although, he was attacked i believe that he was not fully at 100% when we found him. He also actually comes out and gets active when we are around. He's a strange little...
  3. K

    Turtle Age?

    Hi guys, So our little "Stevie" rescue is doing so much better than when we first found him. I do wonder about how old he is though... any method or ideas on his age and how you guesstimate that number.
  4. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    Update... "Steve" ate an entire earthworm! Excited that he is finally eating!
  5. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    The really weird thing about this turtle is that it has 2 different eyes that's not from what happen with my dog it was obviously born that way but one eye looks like a finding nemo eye, while the other one looks like a yellow /Orange turtle eye
  6. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    The vet also advise not to put the turtle back out until its wounds had fully Hilde the smell alone could attract predators are giveaway its location as long as it was eating and drinking it's been drinking plenty of water and up until yesterday we didn't even know it was a Box turtle so today...
  7. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    When I contacted the DNR here in Georgia they advised me that the closest rehabilitation center was at Birmingham Alabama and that there was no where locally that could help me.
  8. K

    Injured turtle rescued, but now what?

    Hi everyone! Im new here and only happen to find this forum bc my killer of a dog snagged yet another turtle from our yard. Luckily enough, i was able to stop him before he got to the very gushy insides, however shell damage did occur. I hate that this happens but the get in our fenced in...