Recent content by jbubb

  1. J


    yeahh it did look like that, when i watched him closer he was breathing heavily so i've just come back form the vets and he has a RI so i've got antibiotics, hes not off his food and hes destroying the house as usual so i hope the antibiotics are enough im going to go down the shop to buy him...
  2. J


    thnks.. i havent got a camera atm so i cant get pictures, they dnt look infected and hes not off his food or anything, i googled it and rns thanks Jess xx[hr] came up as a possibility *
  3. J


    i've just been feeding my tortoise and was lying on the floor next to him watching and i've noticed that hes got what looks like tiny tiny little bubbles, little soap bubbles almost in the corner of his eyes, does anyone know what this could be? thankss
  4. J


    hii thanks for the welcome, i will post a pic soon unfortunately my rents have gone on holiday and taken the camera with them i only have a pic of him is family pictures of his face and his shell he does have some pyramiding unfortunatly but i have only just found this forum and we have...
  5. J


    my tortoise is a sulcata and 10/11years old called sherman we think he's a male and he flashes however he doesn't have a concave on his underside? has anyone got any advice thanks