Recent content by glaerey

  1. glaerey


    Definitely not a leopard. Looks like a bell hingeback to me. Maybe you should include the plastron view to facilitate identification.
  2. glaerey

    Vietnam Tortoise - Cuora bourreti

    These are box turtles!
  3. glaerey

    Ploughshare , Angonoka , Yniphora

    thanks for the picture comparison! I've noticed the new growth for babies is almost black with core scutes light in colour. will these growth turns light as they mature or its just genetic being black. I've seen some very nice specimens with lighter colours and some that are almost all black...
  4. glaerey

    Ploughshare , Angonoka , Yniphora

    Female with such long gular?
  5. glaerey

    What kind of tortoise Is this?

    good info! and yellows have tiny teeth at the edge of their carapace that's why the name denticula.
  6. glaerey

    Identification please

    Certainly not marginated. It's a greek. The second one looks russian to me.
  7. glaerey

    Radiata vs spiders

    Maybe it's due to their demand
  8. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    thanks for the identification Chris! I am curious as I have another smaller greek with different appearances. 1. the smaller guy is 4 toed but the bigger one has 5. 2. bigger guy has a movable hinge on the plastron (signature of a greek) but not the smaller guy. plastron markings are also...
  9. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    just an update. it has been more than 2 week since the ordeal and things have been looking good so far with the sutures removed last sunday.
  10. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    Thanks for the well wish.
  11. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    Doc did a fecal float and found large amount of pathogen.
  12. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    Nope, Doc said unlikely as she is defecating well.
  13. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    @HermanniChris can you help on the id?
  14. glaerey

    What happened to this tort?

    Egyptian being kept as pancake??