Recent content by crissyshine

  1. crissyshine

    New indoor enclosure!

    So, I currently have my tort (eastern boxie) in an indoor 40 gallon Rubbermaid storage container. Upgrading to a 50 gallon (because it's a bit longer and wider). I went by lowes and started looking for some plants that I got off an earlier thread on the tortoise forum. I bought some pansies and...
  2. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    *UPDATE* So my tort is now a lover of all things fruit and veggie. I guess he realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted out me and decided to be a good little boy and eat the good food. It took about 2 months! He would pick at the food enough to not starve, and if I was watching him...
  3. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    So been giving him a mash of kale, blackberries, carrot, squash, plantain, strawberries, and cucumber. Chopped some mushrooms and some chopped up earthworm. After almost 3 weeks of not eating (he's been refusing to eat even when food is placed in his enclosure), he dived head first into the...
  4. crissyshine

    Best filter for water dish?

    This is great! Thank you!
  5. crissyshine

    Best filter for water dish?

    So, I feel like I need to show his soaking/ swimming pool (I just changed the water). It's shallow enough that when he's fully submerged, I can still see the top of his shell. He can easily stand up and get out via ramp (on right side). No risk of flipping over inside the dish and drowning. I...
  6. crissyshine

    Best filter for water dish?

    Haven't tried this one yet. I've tried a smaller zoo med filter, one with a waterfall, that wasn't strong enough to compete with the amount of dirt he tracks in. But it would need to be external. He's very interested in new things and will try and knock over anything in his soaking pool. And he...
  7. crissyshine

    Best filter for water dish?

    Indoors. And this soaking dish is shallow, but deep enough for soaking and swimming. So I guess until he's outdoors, which is the plan for our next warm season, I will just empty the dish. Thank you
  8. crissyshine

    Best filter for water dish?

    So my boxie has a nice sized water dish he likes to soak in and swim in (its a tupperware container he can easily get in and out of, no risk of flipping over and drowning, shell still shows when he is completely immersed). He also likes to bury himself in his substrate then promptly go swimming...
  9. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    I have never had him outside actually. I take him out to explore, yes, and he seeme to like it. But he's been an indoor turtle since I've had him. Just recently got a house with a yard, so I'm thinking of transitioning him outdoor in late spring and for summer- early fall ( here in NC we have...
  10. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    My boxie soaks himself regularly. He loves just hanging out in his water bowl. Writing down your list, all except the roaches. O_o Thank you!
  11. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    Ok. No pellets! But he soaks himself regularly. He's currently swimming in his water dish and has been most of the morning. But I will monitor him in case his behavior changes. Thank you!
  12. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    Anyone have a quick list of things that would entice him? (Just need more variety)
  13. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    Ok. Will do. It I have heard that it's ok to mix pellets in with their foods.
  14. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    Mazuri pellets
  15. crissyshine

    Stubborn boxie

    I have a 6 year old boxie that's being stubborn about his foods. He used to eat fruit, sometimes veggies, loved his proteins, and pellets. Now he doesn't eat veggies or fruits or bugs, and only loves the pellets. I'm trying to be patient with him but it's frustrating that when I put the good...