Recent content by CherMcc.87

  1. C

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    Stay strong and carry on! I often find myself with animals who badly need rehoming, but I always end up taking them on full time. I wish you the best of luck with these animals and sorry to hear about your friend! Lucky to have fallen into your hands
  2. C

    Is this book reliable?

  3. C

    My wee dude might have a broken leg😭

    He was poorly for a week but after vets and having pain medication he has been very like his old self, full of energy and very inquisitive. Trying to keep him from walking about too much, so feeding him in his bed and making sure he's hydrated also. What do they do for a broken leg? I'm just...
  4. C

    My wee dude might have a broken leg😭

    Hello! I've taken on a russian tortoise aged 15, after bathing him i tripped and he fell out and hurt his shell and back right leg. I cannot believe it happened! He has been to vets for check over and got pain medication. That was 2 weeks ago and he is still very reluctant to use his back leg...