Recent content by bellyboo

  1. bellyboo

    Look what I found today....

    How sad! :( I'm so glad you found her and helped her!
  2. bellyboo

    Do You Say Something?

    With this particular pet store, print out some of the care sheets and feeding info on TFO and give them to the owner. Like, I did some research for you I thought you might like. Maybe only a couple at a time. Giving him a bunch of pages to read all at once, may make him just ignore them. Let...
  3. bellyboo

    Well hello, tiny tortoise!

    Thanks, everyone! I just love how much my children love him! He has been the most educational pet ever. lol! They enjoy learning all about tortoises and helping take care of him. My 6-year-old daughter has already stated that she gets to be the one to take Hiccup someday when she grows up and...
  4. bellyboo

    Do You Say Something?

    I try my hardest to not come off as high and mighty. I promise! lol! Usually I will start out with a compliment and then add in a little "You know I was reading..." or something like that. I have found that suggesting actual articles works a lot a better because I can just pass them along as...
  5. bellyboo

    Do You Say Something?

    Yeah, when I asked the pet store about the setup I got the evil eye and pretty much just went on my way. lol! They have owned a shorter amount of time than me. I have had aquatic turtles for several years and they just got theirs a few months ago. Same with the tortoises...I have had mine...
  6. bellyboo

    Do You Say Something?

    When you see someone who obviously has their tortoise (or turtle) in inappropriate housing do you say something? If yes, how do you so without coming off as rude or like a know-it-all? I know of a person who has several tortoises and turtles and really hasn't done much for research on a...
  7. bellyboo


    Holy cuteness, they are adorable! :)
  8. bellyboo

    Humidity box?

    My Hermann's has a flower pot on his side that he LOVES! It's made out of eco friendly plastic and I have it filled with some eco earth and a little bit of sphagnum moss. I keep a tiny spray bottle by his enclosure so I can mist here and there if it gets too dry. We have done the box as well...
  9. bellyboo

    Well hello, tiny tortoise!

    My kiddos have suddenly wanted to do "chores" and one of the jobs assigned to my 4-year-old is to help mommy feed the turtles/tortoise and keep an eye on them. He takes his job VERY seriously. lol!
  10. bellyboo

    I think Hermann is the best for me!

    Hermann's are great little guys! We have had ours for one year and one month now. We ordered a hatchling and he arrived overnight via UPS just fine. However, if I had to do it again I think I'd get an older one just for peace of mind. I know of a few people who have had their babies suddenly...
  11. bellyboo

    What is your favorite type of turtle?

    I think I'd have to agree with this. lol! While I really love all of them, snapping turtles in general fascinate me! I'd never own one, but I love seeing them all over the ponds here (just normal snappers here...not alligators) I think they are so cool and prehistoric.
  12. bellyboo

    Colin Kaepernick owns a 100-pound tortoise

    RE: Thought this was pretty cool! Oh gosh, I know! I'm sure they were trying to be funny, but that left a horrifying image with me as well.
  13. bellyboo

    Colin Kaepernick owns a 100-pound tortoise

    RE: Thought this was pretty cool! I know! I was thinking if he was mine he'd rule the house because there is no way I could ever move him. Lol!
  14. bellyboo

    Colin Kaepernick owns a 100-pound tortoise

    Thought this was pretty cool! I just read this and thought I'd share. :D
  15. bellyboo

    Does this look safe?

    Thank you for the reply! You make a really excellent point. While I don't mean to, I tend to go into crazy, overprotective mommy mode sometimes. And I tend to forget that they are creatures of the wild. lol! I try to have his home as "natural" as possible. I have tons of plants growing...