Big Shipping Cost Reduction!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jun 26, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas, NV.
Our shipping options on the website in the past week has been a little chaotic, offering sometimes 12 different shipping options while we were doing some work in the background. For those of you that maneuvered through that in the last couple of days, I apologize, there was a purpose, and it's cleared up now.

With some recent negotiations, we have been able to get a much reduced shipping cost across the board. While it had been climbing and climbing on everyone (we had gone up to a $49.95 flat rate cost for shipping tortoises, which wasn't covering our costs to ship an average tortoise), we have a major discount on our tortoise shipments now, lower than I think I have ever seen someone ship reptiles for, no matter how big a company, these rates are killer! Some examples from our testing (shipping from Las Vegas, NV), shipping a baby tortoise to these locations:

Texas - $31
Southern California - $24
New York - $31
South Carolina (order just came in) - $31

This isn't some shady shipping service, it's FedEx Overnight 10:30 AM arrival (to most addresses). Our ground shipping got cheaper as well for non-live orders. No additional cost for the boxes or the heat/ice packs.

Additionally, the site will now hide shipping options that can't be used, so if you order a tortoise, it will offer you overnight shipping, and it will offer you local pickup ($0). You won't have to choose around UPS Ground or USPS priority like we had to in the past. It cleaned up the clutter and makes this very easy. Additional weight in the shipment won't add a ton of cost like it did in the past; you can order a tortoise and seeds, and the seeds will ship overnight with the tortoise for a few bucks more. Very lean and very clean. Supply-only orders will hide the clutter, and offer you just a few shipping options based on how quickly you want or need to receive it (1 day, 2 day, 3 day, or ground, with a cost for each). Very lightweight orders like small seed packs will still be offered first class mail ($3-4).

We are working bugs out this week, but it looks like it's working well now, and starting now (?), this is in effect. Any issues or questions, please let me know at [email protected].

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