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  • I apologize, I had too many characters in my post and had to shorten it. My question is do I need to add anything else to the floor of the pond and how cold does should the water be for them to hibernate.
    Thank you.
    normally water under 50° will slow activity but most important is the lower sun level of fall. I would give a hiding place underwater - cave or large section of pipe.
    It was suggested you may be able to give me advice on Red Ear Slider turtles hibernating over winter. I live in Colorado, elevation is 7400 feet. We built a 5 foot pond with extra large river rock on the floor of the pond. The pond is enclosed in a greenhouse, to keep predators out.
    i heard you might be able to help me with my fly river turtle questions. my name is shawn
    Shawn. I am sorry but have no personal experience with these turtles. I have chosen to limit myself to N American turtles as far as my aquatics over the years.

    ok thank you mark
    Morning Mark, just asking some advice if thats ok, unfortunately i'm not able to purchase a uv meter at the moment, but when do you suggest changing the bulb on my T5 unit? it's been in use now for approx 1 year and i'm worried my tort isn't getting enough uv, it's winter here in the uk so we have no natural sunshine.
    kind regards
    I personally believe tortoises need quite little UVB as far as direct exposure. I'm sure your tortoise is fine. Will - Kapidolo Farms - raises all his with no UVB at all - just dietary vit D. A 6% bulb at 20" is probably giving a 1.5 UVI reading. That would be plenty for 12 hours a day as you have been doing.
    Mark thankyou, I have been beside myself with worry thinking I’ve done some damage to my torts health, I have a new bulb arriving Friday, but I’ve been feeling terrible.
    No UV is very very important I can't stress enough on that now that I have a higher percentage of UV now that have access to. However my tortoise eats every day now before he wasn't eating at all I have a lot of vet bills from him because of the UV light not being right so please believe me light is very important
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    Hi Markw84,

    What tortoise do you have for sale right now?
    Not sure if I answered you in an email. In case I have not - I do have many baby Burmese Stars available now. ... IF you are still looking!
    Hello! I saw to order an enclosed tank from you to go to your Facebook but I couldn’t find it when I went to look. Do you have a link or another way to order? :)
    Hi Mark!
    I was wondering if you're accepting orders for a closed chamber enclosure. I am looking for a good enclosure for a young leopard tortoise and was recommended to talk with you. My email is [email protected], if you have the time to discuss.

    Thanks for reading!
    I’m sorry but been out of town doing a reptile show in S California I am accepting orders for enclosures. Go to my Facebook page - Smart Tortoise Keeper, all the info and pricing is there. I am back home tomorrow evening so I cannot send my normal response and attachments from my computer right now

    email me with any additional questions. My email is on the Facebook page as well

    Isaiah C.
    No worries Mark. We actually already talked over email. I discovered your FaceBook page after posting this, and already have the information and plan on placing an order for the 36x48 enclosure this week.

    Hello Mark! Hope all is well!
    Tom recommend me to you regarding in getting a closed chamber for my sulcata tortoise. If you could please give me an estimate of how much you sell them for that would be great!
    my email is [email protected]

    Hey mark I was recommended for a close chamber enclosure for my baby leopard tortoise! I got a lot of wrong information! I was wondering if you could email me some information and specs on you’re tanks! [email protected] thank you very much!
    Hi Mark, I saw on care form you were recommended you for a closed chamber for sulcata tortoise hatchling enclosure, if you could send me pricing that be great! Turns out tanks are the wrong way to go ?

    [email protected]

    Thank you,

    Hello Mark! I am new to the tortoise world and am quickly realizing how much misinformation I received. Glad to have found a reputable forum and see that you are the person to speak to about enclosures. We have an adult Russian. Can you please send me information on your enclosures when you have an opportunity? My email is [email protected]. Thank you!
    Hi Mark, Tom recommended you for a closed chamber for sulcata tortoise hatchlings, can you please send me some info to my email [email protected]

    Thank you,

    I received your email request as well. Thank you for that as I don't check my profile messages as much as I do conversations here. I did send the info for you.

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