Two females, different species


New Member
Jan 31, 2014
Hello everyone,
This morning I agreed to take a female Russian tortoise on a trial basis.

I already have a female CA desert tortoise. She stays inside at night and goes outside in a 9x9 enclosure during the day.

Due to the size of the Russian and my lack of space indoors I would like to keep the Russian in that same 9x9 outside enclosure 24/7.

Ive heard things about keeping a male and female in the same enclosure and how that can be bad for the health of the female. I've also heard about two males being kept together and how they can hurt/ kill one another.

What I haven't found is information on two females of two different species.. Can they share a 9x9 foot enclosure for approx. 8 hours a day?

I really want to make this work and I'm nervous now that it won't or that I shouldn't try.

Any advice?


New Member
Jan 31, 2014
Also, the russian moves a lot faster, she's a lot bigger, and she has never lived with another tortoise.

My desert tortoise is way slower and used to share both his indoor and outdoor enclosure with another tortoise.


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A new tortoise must be kept entirely separately from yours, in quarantine, for at least 6 months in order to avoid either making the other sick.

Also different species have different tolerances and a germ that doesn't affect one could kill the other. So it is not advisable to mix species.

Your resident has had their territory for some time and is unlikely to welcome new company regardless of species. It is a recipe for trouble. Russians are very active tortoises. They like their space and they really are loners that don't like company. They can be very aggressive regardless of gender. It is most likely the Russian would end up bullying yours.

Unless you can keep these two entirely separately and accept that this is likely to have to be a permanent arrangement, I would advise against taking the Russian.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
We don't condone 2different breeds together bio hazards . And those two come from places they wouldn't meet in nature . So they have different Bactria in there systems . No it's not good for either tort . And Russians don't play well with others .

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Maggie Cummings

JoesMum is exactly correct, so is G'pa turtle. Add to the fact that CDT's carry a mycoplasma in their blood that caused URD (upper respiratory disease) the could kill the Russian they must always be kept separate from other species. A 9'x9' enclosure is not quite big enough for 2 torts anyhow, either make another pen, or leave the Russian to someone else...
You should never mix species...

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