tortoise-type arguments

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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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The thing is, when we get upset with one post and have "words" about it on a thread that was started by a beginner tortoise keeper, it usually chases that beginner away. Look at what happened to Georgie's Grampa. When we had an argument on his post he never came back or posted again. We don't want that to happen. We want to encourage beginner tortoise keepers to stay here and get all the information they need to give their new tortoise the best possible care.

My suggestion is: if you read a post that upsets you and you have strong feelings about it, send that person a private message. Please don't have an argument on the forum.

I understand both sides of this current disagreement, but it serves no purpose to be at each other's throat on the forum.

Thanks for understanding...



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I agree. I was really sad that Georgie's Grampa never came back, his poor little tort was sick and now we have no way of knowing what happened to it...

As I said elsewhere, I haven't been here long, but I loved it here when I joined. I loved that everyone seemed to get along, share information, and work together so well. Lately ever little tiny peice of advice has to come with a major rebuttal, people are arguing and just plain TRYING to pick fights.

I am saddened by it and I wish it would stop.

Those of us that offer advice do so because we were new at this at one time too, and we have already been through the major part of trial an error. We want to help you so that you can skip the mistakes we already learned from, and get on to better advancing the quality of life for your tortoise.

Why does it constantly have to be a contest? Frankly, I am sick of it, and I wish those that are being blatantly argumentative would find something better to do than muddy the waters of this great forum.



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There is also an option to start a new thread about a side topic, without taking away from the topic on the thread. Fighting sucks.


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I have learned I have two ears, one mouth. So I listen more than I talk. I learn more that way. Sometimes it would be best to read more, type less - if your upset sign off and come back later. Reading the next reply or two may help you be less upset. I am new here and think that I have been very lucky to find all of the wise and experienced people here to help educate me, but it is a turn off when an argument hijacks or buries a thread. I read and move on.



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There is not just one way to do something.. what works for one, may not work for another. There are wrongs and rights, and some wrongs are dangerous for the animals. So we need to post what works for us, educate, try to be nice. I know it can get frustrating with the same questions from new people time and time again.. people want answeres NOW, they dont want to read thru old threads to find answers to their very common question. Its human nature. Either post an answer, or post the thread for them to read.

Maggie Cummings

But you are all talking about differences in opinions about animal husbandry, how we care for our animals, that's not what I see happening. What I see happening that hijacks threads is personal attacks from one member to another.


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I see the same thing, Maggie. It isn't offering other options or opinions, it is plain combativeness and personal attacking. I see people getting their backs up over NOTHING, less than nothing. So you have a different opinion or method, that is great, but leave your abusive language and attitude at home.

It is ruining this forum for me, and I know a few others that feel the same way. I wan't things to get back to how they were, when we were all friends. That doesn't mean that we can't make new friends, but the meanness needs to stop.



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Jan 22, 2008
I am so glad you posted this. I totally agree with you
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