The "thing" that gets to me.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
We all have the 1 thing in life that we detest unlike anything else. No, not talking about your ex, I'm talking about the thing that others do that just p*sees you off.

For me it's The presumptive nature of people. ( me included).

Why do we do it? Why do we always think we are right? Do we really think we are so much smarter? This isn't for educational purposes, these folks actually think they got it all right.
I watch animal shows with a narrator telling me how the animal is feeling. I don't claim to know if a lioness" misses" the cubs that were eaten by the hyenas but I'm pretty sure imparting a crapload of emotions on an animal showing few visuals is presumptuous. I'm not a trained animal observer but I've been watching film for 60 yrs....something of a comparable metric. No, I do not believe the Mom was "beside herself with grief".

I watch a wildlife worker talking about how the bears in his area are "his"....really Sparky, they weren't just fine before you got 68k and a hut 7 years ago?

I'm no saint in this....i do it too and I hate when I catch myself. While we all secretly think we are brighter than the vast majority of others, the reality is probably different for most.

I caution myself against the tendency of many to become cynical. I "get" why.

The world is a very highly entertaining place if you pay attention and lose the personal investment.

I'm working on the "disengage" part.


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Taking just one part of your "rant"...I guess that wildlife worker loves those bears, and considers them to be his to monitor and care about while he is with them. Just as a headmaster or a teacher or a doctor in a hospital may call the children or patients "my" children or "my" patients. It's just being or feeling "responsible" for them in some way, in that time. I wish more people would think about animals with the same caring and nurturing manner that they mostly apply to their children. Of course, I know that sometimes, they may be incorrect in the use of anthropomorphic thought, and in assumptions that come from it, but what else have we got?


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So true and EVERYONE does it throughout their lives I believe.
The animal shows that get to me are the dog ones. I have a lot of experience with dogs. No, I don't know it all, but some of those shows are just wrong in a lot of their content, so I yell at the TV lol
Then I think, well, it's not going to hurt doing it that way or thinking that way, so I then get over it and move on
I think it's just part of being human and it doesn't go away. But can be curved. Some people though, think they are right no matter the black and white proof in front of them, those are the real irritating ones.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
We all have the 1 thing in life that we detest unlike anything else. No, not talking about your ex, I'm talking about the thing that others do that just p*sees you off.

For me it's The presumptive nature of people. ( me included).

Why do we do it? Why do we always think we are right? Do we really think we are so much smarter? This isn't for educational purposes, these folks actually think they got it all right.
I watch animal shows with a narrator telling me how the animal is feeling. I don't claim to know if a lioness" misses" the cubs that were eaten by the hyenas but I'm pretty sure imparting a crapload of emotions on an animal showing few visuals is presumptuous. I'm not a trained animal observer but I've been watching film for 60 yrs....something of a comparable metric. No, I do not believe the Mom was "beside herself with grief".

I watch a wildlife worker talking about how the bears in his area are "his"....really Sparky, they weren't just fine before you got 68k and a hut 7 years ago?

I'm no saint in this....i do it too and I hate when I catch myself. While we all secretly think we are brighter than the vast majority of others, the reality is probably different for most.

I caution myself against the tendency of many to become cynical. I "get" why.

The world is a very highly entertaining place if you pay attention and lose the personal investment.

I'm working on the "disengage" part.
I've been shaking my head and yelling at the TV for DECADES with the stupid wrong animal show narration, but that's not my "one" thing. Oh... And now we have YT for even more wrong info...

Your rant made me remember the movie "Blackfish" that was made by people with a clear animal rights slant and intended to turn everyone against the very people at the forefront of education and conservation, the people who singlehandedly educated multiple generations, like mine, and made me care about the ocean and learn about animals that I had no idea even existed. Yeah, THAT movie. There is a scene in there where the narrator explains how this poor unfortunate mommy orca, is sad and scared beyond belief because her little baby is being ripped away from her by the evil workers who clearly hate her and want to torture poor unfortunate helpless animals. In reality, the footage is a male orca, at a different facility, exuberantly playing with the public for his own fun and entertainment, and the sad sounds from the mother orca in the film aren't even sounds that an orca makes.

So there is ignorance and stupidity, but sometimes it is outright intentional lies meant to emotionally manipulate people into going along with an agenda.

Here is my one thing:
Out where I live in the country there are a lot of two lane roads. One lane each direction. When someone is approaching me from the rear at a faster speed, I move out of their way. So simple and so easy. Costs me nothing. There is no safe or legal way to pass for miles in some of these areas. Now I'm not the slowest driver on the road, but I'm not the fastest either. It is so easy and so obvious to be courteous and and paying attention to what is going on around you. Often a slower driver will have 10 cars stacked up behind them with no way to get around, and they just keep passing right on by turn out after turn out, no doubt complaining about "tailgaters" all the way. Then, when somebody has the audacity to pass them, the passer gets the finger, the horn, the high beams, or all three. Man, some days I wish it were legal to run a cow bumper and simply bump these inconsiderate morons right out of everyone's way.

Along with this one thing is a general disdain for discourteous drivers in general. People camping out in the passing lane driving the same speed as the car next to them. Not using turn indicators. Not holding your line when making a turn...It is just not that hard to pay attention and follow a few simple rules of the road to keep things moving and be considerate of those around you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
We all have the 1 thing in life that we detest unlike anything else. No, not talking about your ex, I'm talking about the thing that others do that just p*sees you off.

For me it's The presumptive nature of people. ( me included).

Why do we do it? Why do we always think we are right? Do we really think we are so much smarter? This isn't for educational purposes, these folks actually think they got it all right.
I watch animal shows with a narrator telling me how the animal is feeling. I don't claim to know if a lioness" misses" the cubs that were eaten by the hyenas but I'm pretty sure imparting a crapload of emotions on an animal showing few visuals is presumptuous. I'm not a trained animal observer but I've been watching film for 60 yrs....something of a comparable metric. No, I do not believe the Mom was "beside herself with grief".

I watch a wildlife worker talking about how the bears in his area are "his"....really Sparky, they weren't just fine before you got 68k and a hut 7 years ago?

I'm no saint in this....i do it too and I hate when I catch myself. While we all secretly think we are brighter than the vast majority of others, the reality is probably different for most.

I caution myself against the tendency of many to become cynical. I "get" why.

The world is a very highly entertaining place if you pay attention and lose the personal investment.

I'm working on the "disengage" part.
Me personally, i hate when people lie. People do it out ofear? Habit?

I feel you man. It's irritating dealing with a person that thinks they know it all.

It used to bother me, but I've learned to be the bigger person and just ignore people. Just last week a guy was trying to sell a softshell turtle as a "fly river" for 1800.

Usually I'd ignore it, as I know nobody would be ignorant enough to fall for it, but I called him out and said it wasn't cool. I even offered to pay him if he could Google an image of the fly river and the soft shell popped up😂

Len B

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One thing that bothers me is snake ignorance. You aren't born with the fear of snakes, people are taught to fear and kill any they come across no matter how harmless it is. Around here every snake is suspect to be a copperhead by people that just don't know about or like snakes. This happened in my front yard a few years ago. A guy was standing in the yard and asking for a shovel. I asked why and he said he had a copperhead under his boot. My response was no you don't before even seeing it. He had smashed a young black rat snake before it had become black. The poor thing didn't make it. I see more people taking a picture of the snakes here in town on the Nextdoor site asking before they kill them. Things are getting better but still a lot of needless snake killing is still happening.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
Me personally, i hate when people lie. People do it out ofear? Habit?

I feel you man. It's irritating dealing with a person that thinks they know it all.

It used to bother me, but I've learned to be the bigger person and just ignore people. Just last week a guy was trying to sell a softshell turtle as a "fly river" for 1800.

Usually I'd ignore it, as I know nobody would be ignorant enough to fall for it, but I called him out and said it wasn't cool. I even offered to pay him if he could Google an image of the fly river and the soft shell popped up😂

I took a guy skiing that needed to be the big shot & claimed to be as good as Jean Claude Killy('68 gold) while playing cards with the girls. Big mistake as my wife and I owned a furnished chalet at Bryce resort in Va. at the time. So we went
...long story short....we never even got off the Intermediate slope...but he kept up the lie till Day 2

He came off the mountain strapped to the Snow Patrols sled. Then it went downhill so to speak, pardon the pun. I took him to the hospital in his car since we couldn't find our wives who had my car. The Dr came out to take to me while there, asking if my friend was a hypochondriac. I told the Doc that his wife might beat him, that she was very demanding and would be very upset with his injury...please make it look good..............and the Dr bought it hook line and sinker! Gave him a sling and a note!

On the way home, a deer struck his car...major damage. His wife now was so angry, she made him pack and leave..right then!

He never shoulda lied...I felt bad, maybe I should have flashed the cape before watching him become a pinball going down the slope? LOL

He never once crossed more than 35 FEET on both ski's....yet to this day, he sticks with it. He lost his car, ended up losing his wife, his friend.....and yet there it is. wasn't even fun watching him pummel himself(if you try to keep up with me and get hurt, it's on you, not me) like it usually is......but still makes me laugh so it's funny now?
ought, and in assumptions that come from it, but what else have we got?

We have honesty...for instance; "While we can't know what the Lioness is thinking, we hope that she isn't suffering human type emotions in such a cut & dry world"
I even "dressed" it up! LOL

Like Tom said, they use stock footage to tell and sell and story to the buyers & us yet it's obvious to a child that the background changed in each scene or otherwise has zero connection to the words.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
One thing that bothers me is snake ignorance. You aren't born with the fear of snakes, people are taught to fear and kill any they come across no matter how harmless it is. Around here every snake is suspect to be a copperhead by people that just don't know about or like snakes. This happened in my front yard a few years ago. A guy was standing in the yard and asking for a shovel. I asked why and he said he had a copperhead under his boot. My response was no you don't before even seeing it. He had smashed a young black rat snake before it had become black. The poor thing didn't make it. I see more people taking a picture of the snakes here in town on the Nextdoor site asking before they kill them. Things are getting better but still a lot of needless snake killing is still happening.
Ever seen cars swerve toward unidentified snakes in the road? I carry a snake hook, tongs and a bucket in my car from March through November. I pull over to get them off the road whenever I see them. I can even count all the times I've been running to save one and some jacka$$ swerves toward the snake and ME. Many a time those jerks almost learned what it was like to have a snake hook go through their windshield. Almost... I've swung, but not had to release that projectile yet...


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Jun 21, 2016
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This is going back and forth a bit, but in the case of the lioness grieving for her cub or not, we can't prove it either way, but in the interest of endearing the viewers to the animals, which is usually the point of the show, I know which way I would probably go. Or I could get real honest, and say "...but it's more likely that she feels nothing like we would at all, and this is really Mother Nature's cruel and effective way of controlling the lion population and boosting the hyena's chance to survive".


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
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Los Angeles
This is going back and forth a bit, but in the case of the lioness grieving for her cub or not, we can't prove it either way, but in the interest of endearing the viewers to the animals, which is usually the point of the show, I know which way I would probably go. Or I could get real honest, and say "...but it's more likely that she feels nothing like we would at all, and this is really Mother Nature's cruel and effective way of controlling the lion population and boosting the hyena's chance to survive".
I don't think I agree. I have seen enough videos of places that show the "mom separated from baby" and then gets all happy when reunited. I know the point of them are sob stories, but I have seen it enough (cows, dogs, cats that I believe it...)


Active Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 27, 2024
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Canebrake, CA
I've been shaking my head and yelling at the TV for DECADES with the stupid wrong animal show narration, but that's not my "one" thing. Oh... And now we have YT for even more wrong info...

Your rant made me remember the movie "Blackfish" that was made by people with a clear animal rights slant and intended to turn everyone against the very people at the forefront of education and conservation, the people who singlehandedly educated multiple generations, like mine, and made me care about the ocean and learn about animals that I had no idea even existed. Yeah, THAT movie. There is a scene in there where the narrator explains how this poor unfortunate mommy orca, is sad and scared beyond belief because her little baby is being ripped away from her by the evil workers who clearly hate her and want to torture poor unfortunate helpless animals. In reality, the footage is a male orca, at a different facility, exuberantly playing with the public for his own fun and entertainment, and the sad sounds from the mother orca in the film aren't even sounds that an orca makes.

So there is ignorance and stupidity, but sometimes it is outright intentional lies meant to emotionally manipulate people into going along with an agenda.

Here is my one thing:
Out where I live in the country there are a lot of two lane roads. One lane each direction. When someone is approaching me from the rear at a faster speed, I move out of their way. So simple and so easy. Costs me nothing. There is no safe or legal way to pass for miles in some of these areas. Now I'm not the slowest driver on the road, but I'm not the fastest either. It is so easy and so obvious to be courteous and and paying attention to what is going on around you. Often a slower driver will have 10 cars stacked up behind them with no way to get around, and they just keep passing right on by turn out after turn out, no doubt complaining about "tailgaters" all the way. Then, when somebody has the audacity to pass them, the passer gets the finger, the horn, the high beams, or all three. Man, some days I wish it were legal to run a cow bumper and simply bump these inconsiderate morons right out of everyone's way.

Along with this one thing is a general disdain for discourteous drivers in general. People camping out in the passing lane driving the same speed as the car next to them. Not using turn indicators. Not holding your line when making a turn...It is just not that hard to pay attention and follow a few simple rules of the road to keep things moving and be considerate of those around you.
Have to agree with the two lane roads. We have alot of tourists in our area, my husband will always say "Not everyone is on vacation, pull over".... I too get irritated from time to time, but most of the time, I am not in a hurry. I always feel like if I am out of patience, then shame on me! I can add that it really irritates me when there is that slow driver, they do not pull over, but hey I have a legal place to pass, I'm going around them.......until you are passing and they decide to be a jerk and speed up and not let you pass, especially on an approaching curve. It's dangerous, it's reckless and if I could rip them out of their car I would at this point. I do know what you mean!


Active Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 27, 2024
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Canebrake, CA
I have a simple "one". When someone pronounces Veteran "Vetrin".......It is not spelled that way and it is not pronounced that way. It is VETERAN, say the syllables and say it correctly. We owe them that much......

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I have a simple "one". When someone pronounces Veteran "Vetrin".......It is not spelled that way and it is not pronounced that way. It is VETERAN, say the syllables and say it correctly. We owe them that much......
For your own sake, never visit the Baltimore region, Hon.


BTW- we have plenty of liberrys too apparently, whatever they are?


Active Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 27, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake, CA
For your own sake, never visit the Baltimore region, Hon.


BTW- we have plenty of liberrys too apparently, whatever they are?
Lol, noted thank you. Yes! Liberrys!!!! Is that a new type of berry? That's hilarious. Shaking my head, too funny. I am not a grammar expert, Lord knows I have goofed a few, but I like to think we were taught how to pronounce words better than

We have a friend that pronounces bedroom as "bedjume" I am not joking, I can feel my skin tighten every time I hear

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