Redfoot disaster rescue...please help her


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I did misread that thread. I mixed the two up, I seen the Fenbendazole and thought that was what was used, sorry. Still don't agree, but to each his own:). They can still, with panacur, get upset stomachs and maybe not eat. Also, you probably know this, being a tort rescue, but will remind you anyway:D. Letting them roam on the same grounds, not the best idea. It's "kinda" the same as housing different species together. Some thinks its find, most do not.


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No sure are right. Fenbendazole is the active ingredient in Pancur. But it is not where near as potent and gut flora destroying as Metro. I've never seen any animal ever get side on Panacur...other than foaming at the mouth...mostly cats. LOL

Since a fecal is not guarantee, and a round of Panacur is (mostly, LOL), then I use it on the mystery guys.

Yah, I do realize the risk of exposure with my yard. It's not very big and I hate to deny them yard experience over a possible risk. So the new fosters are in quarantine for at least a month, and the others get to play. I've read all the info, the arguments, and talked to reptile DVMs.


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Wow, I reread my reply. Nice typing looser! Oi vay! Hopefully you all have the sulcata_sandy official decoder ring! [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]


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For a tortoise with a sinking, soft shell I'd try to get that hardtop out for as much time in the sun as scheduling can allow.

Black soldier fly larvae may be a food item consider... They provide good amounts of protein, low levels of fat, and sequester large amounts of calcium prior to pupating. It's a good mix of nutrients for a tortoise with MBD. They go under the guise of "Reptiworms, Pheonix worms, soldier larvae", etc.

Sorry to hear about the car, I hope the tortoise pulls through for you!


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Redstrike said:
For a tortoise with a sinking, soft shell I'd try to get that hardtop out for as much time in the sun as scheduling can allow.

Black soldier fly larvae may be a food item consider... They provide good amounts of protein, low levels of fat, and sequester large amounts of calcium prior to pupating. It's a good mix of nutrients for a tortoise with MBD. They go under the guise of "Reptiworms, Pheonix worms, soldier larvae", etc.

Sorry to hear about the car, I hope the tortoise pulls through for you!

Thank you!!!!! I'm checking it out now


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Oh, and I would hold off on any fenbendazole until the tortoise is improving. It's not a bad thing to be thinking about but if you aren't 100% on any parasites, it seems like an additional stressor on the tortoise. I'd give s/he more time to settle in and start dealing with the MBD. Just my opinion.


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Hi Sandy,
so sorry to hear about your accident - glad you got the tort though. Sounds like you are already getting good advice.

She will definitely need extra calcium - and good UVB light. On not-terribly-chilly days, if you can manage to take her outside in a little box with her sitting on a hot water bottle, that will really help her.

At 4.5" he/she should be MUCH heavier - dehydration, not having eaten from being bullied are likely the cause. Soak it often - several times a day (e.g during breakfast, when you come home, and again an hour or so later). I would put baby food into the soaking water - a jar of carrot or squash or anything like that with vitamin A in it. This will be absorbed as it drinks, and may give it the energy to get an appetite.

Reptiles take a long time to gain back lost weight. Their muscles build up very slowly. You don't want to cause kidney failure by feeding too much too quickly - stick to easy-to-digest foods, start slowly with offering multiple small portions several times a day.

I really hate the liquid panacur, and I ONLY use the paste. It's easier to dose - you can put it into a lettuce roll, and let the friendly tortoise chow down, or you can put it into a little syringe, and place the tortoise onto the counter with a pile of food and wait for it to take a few bites and then quick-as-a-wink, slip the syringe into its mouth. Then you pic the tortoise up and hold it vertically (head up), and slowly put the paste into its mouth. The tort will fight, but won't be able to push the syringe out. With the sulcata, you can either make the lettuce cigar, or you can wait for him to reach out to take a bite of food, then pop the syringe into his mouth, and hold his head up and put it in. Then quickly pop a leaf in after, and he'll chew and won't even know what happened.


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Redstrike said:
Oh, and I would hold off on any fenbendazole until the tortoise is improving. It's not a bad thing to be thinking about but if you aren't 100% on any parasites, it seems like an additional stressor on the tortoise. I'd give s/he more time to settle in and start dealing with the MBD. Just my opinion.

Thank you, and that is my plan. Give her a week or so, maybe three.

Nice to hear feedback.

biochemnerd808 said:
I really hate the liquid panacur, and I ONLY use the paste. It's easier to dose - you can put it into a lettuce roll, and let the friendly tortoise chow down, or you can put it into a little syringe, and place the tortoise onto the counter with a pile of food and wait for it to take a few bites and then quick-as-a-wink, slip the syringe into its mouth. Then you pic the tortoise up and hold it vertically (head up), and slowly put the paste into its mouth. The tort will fight, but won't be able to push the syringe out. With the sulcata, you can either make the lettuce cigar, or you can wait for him to reach out to take a bite of food, then pop the syringe into his mouth, and hold his head up and put it in. Then quickly pop a leaf in after, and he'll chew and won't even know what happened.

Thank you for reading this thread. I'm worries about her. But she does seem to be taking things in stride. I've already done her second 30 minute soak today...but in your experience, a mid day soak will help? If I can get home during lunch break, I definitely will. However, with my smashed car, I may be running around doing repair stuff, or stuck at work with no car.

Baby food...I totally forgot about that trick!


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Good tips from lots of people here rooting for the little one! Does he/she have a name yet?

Also, I spotted three Leo torts on the local Craigslist (really 3 hrs away) and their picture kills me... ImageUploadedByTortForum1383548964.300869.jpg

But I gave the contact info to a person near me who does rescues like you do so I'm hoping they can get a good home like your little redfoot here! (Not intending to hijack your thread!)
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Hijacking is totally acceptable, and I encourage it! Please let me know about those Leo's. I wish I had room for them now. My Bed And Breakfast is getting crowded! The new owner for the Russian can't take him for two more weeks...which for his sake is idea, he needs more rehab. before I feel good about shipping him.

I've been up all night worried about her and my smashed car.
I'm in a mental battle right now...I need to buy baby food and more greens for her, but I need to keep every penny for my insurance deductible. [POUTING FACE]

I hate this position I'm in.


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Sulcata_Sandy said:
I've been up all night worried about her and my smashed car.
I'm in a mental battle right now...I need to buy baby food and more greens for her, but I need to keep every penny for my insurance deductible. [POUTING FACE]

I hate this position I'm in.

Well your deductable will just have to be put off for a bit. As a rescue (or any caretaker of something alive) first on the list is their needs. Deductables can wait. Sounds like it's time for you to put a brief hold on any more rescues for a bit until you have saved back some money to care for them. Right now, focus on caring for what you have and getting money for your deductable. No more looking at Craig's lists for awhile. ;)

Yvonne G

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That's what I was thinking too. You don't want to take an animal out of one bad situation and bring it home to another. I know you want to try to save them all, but you really do have to learn how to say "no."

(Sent from someone who's been there)


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That's some good advice Sandy. You have a big heart! But you can only do so much. Your little redfoot will need extensive care. I know what Baby Runt has cost me in terms of time and resources. She's exceeding all expectations because of how devoted I am to her care. Little redfoot will need no less. You've got your hands full now, I'd think.

Btw, I am soooooo glad that nothing happened to you in that car accident. I can't even think of what would happen to your rescues (my beloved Oliver, little redfoot, and all the others) if something were to happen to you. Now may be a good time to think of a backup plan, just in case.


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Except my car isn't safe to drive and I work 6-7 days a week. Transportation to work is a priority.

I just don't have the extra cash to experiment with different foods right now. And I have care under control. And no, I'm not sitting on CL looking for animals. Someone who knew I liked RFs forwarded me this animal and it turned out to be a disaster.

My cages and house are immaculate. I'm rehabing a few and some are going to forever home soon. I have no intention of becoming a hoarder.

I'm feeling a bit picked on. I'm going to chin up and assume no hard feelings.



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Sandy, I hope you don't think I'm picking on you. You know I love what you are doing. And, you couldn't have gotten this far without being organized and know what you're doing. So, you have my full support. I feel bad about your situation...with the car and all. Is insurance gonna handle any repairs? Some insurances will allow for a rental until your car is fixed. Do you have that?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Sandy we are not trying to make you feel picked on, just giving you advise from folks who have been there, done that. It is so easy to over extend even though sometimes it's only because of the unexpected (like meeting the deer). I have learned to make sure I have extra bags of Mazuri stocked up along with frozen fruits and dried weeds. An emergency backup stash so I am ready for money shortages along the way.

The Russian has a home, but can't go to it yet. Why not ask the future owner to be paying for his food now? Then you can use that savings to feed the redfoot.

Can you use public transportation? Car pool? Walk? Ride a bike?


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God provides! My friend gave me a huge bag of cans to return. I made $6! I just bought several varieties of baby food and an armload of greens!

I know you all mean well.

Too far to walk, no buses in my rural town, I don't own a bike, besides its Oregon and that's just miserable! LOL

I don't have rental car coverage on my policy. Since I've never made a claim, I pair down car insurance to the bare minimum for major accidents. Just going to have to call in a few favors and ask for rides while it's in the shop. Luckily the shop is next door to the hospital! [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]


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Baby food soak. She's not impressed. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

And you guys are the best. Not hard feelings, I know everyone means only the best, I just got overwhelmed all within a few hours, and not having anyone here to help me (even just to vent or carry a load of groceries), I sometimes let it get the better of me.

So, Cliff Notes: Turns out Progressive offers $30/rental to all insured's! I have a rental car!
I've got a few orders for custom drawings, so that brings in a few bucks, and it have a routine and treatment plan now for my new critical care patient.

I took a deep breath, collected myself, and I feel a million times better tonight. I'm sorry, I get really emotional with these animals. Hey, I'm a vet's just in my programming to take action. [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
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Jun 24, 2013
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Glad to hear you're feeling better. You have a lot going on and you're doing a great job! Hey does your little redfoot girl have a name yet?


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Well, there has been some debate as to if "she" is really a she.
I'm going to look into it a bit more, but I have two special names picked out when I feel more confident about its persuasion. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

I will announce very soon! Both names are special. [PURPLE HEART]

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