Question about the law.

Mr Buster

Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Reno NV
I caught a comment in another thread that someone stated it is illegal for pet stores to sell tortoises smaller than 4 inches.

Assuming it is true, it would take like 10 years for a Russian to reach that size and that means that most in pet stores are wild caught overseas. I hear there are a lot of problems with parasites in wild caught tortoises.

So, who does this law exactly apply to and under that circumstances ?

Also, anyone have their Russian tested and what did they find and what was done about it ?

If you have experience, who would you buy from ?

Yvonne G

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You are correct in assuming a Russian tortoise would be older by the time it reached 4" and legal to be sold, and yes, most pet stores who buy their tortoises from a wholesaler, sell wild caught Russian tortoises.

It's always a good idea to have a vet de-worm a store bought Russian tortoise.

The 4" rule applies to all turtles and tortoises sold by businesses. The hobbyist can sell their babies under 4".

It should be noted that the 4" rule is a U.S. restriction. It came to be in effect because the powers that be figured any bigger than 4" and a child could no longer fit the animal in its mouth. It was because of salmonella.

We have some very good Russian breeders who are members of our Forum. I would buy from them.


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You are correct in assuming a Russian tortoise would be older by the time it reached 4" and legal to be sold, and yes, most pet stores who buy their tortoises from a wholesaler, sell wild caught Russian tortoises.

It's always a good idea to have a vet de-worm a store bought Russian tortoise.

The 4" rule applies to all turtles and tortoises sold by businesses. The hobbyist can sell their babies under 4".

We have some very good Russian breeders who are members of our Forum. I would buy from them.
I always thought the law applies to everyone selling a tortoise or turtle and every species. I thought that's why when they sell them under the 4" size, they always have the disclaimer about it being for research purposes, or something along those lines?

Mr Buster

Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
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Reno NV
Thank you. I assumed the law was due to conservation or environmental concerns. I have Fire Belly Toads that are half that size carry the same bacteria and are toxic to boot. No sale limitations on pet stores on those guys.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Clovis, CA
I always thought the law applies to everyone selling a tortoise or turtle and every species. I thought that's why when they sell them under the 4" size, they always have the disclaimer about it being for research purposes, or something along those lines?

Nope. It's a U.S. regulation and only applies to businesses.

It's sort of hard to see, but here's where the hobbyist is excluded:

"Because the regulations specifically exclude sales not in connection with a business, most private party sales of surplus stock by hobbyists are unaffected by this law."

Mr Buster

Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Reno NV
I always thought the law applies to everyone selling a tortoise or turtle and every species. I thought that's why when they sell them under the 4" size, they always have the disclaimer about it being for research purposes, or something along those lines?

I just had a quick glimpse of an article about the law. Yes, hobbyist with surplus can sell them smaller. law is only for businesses. Interestingly, the law does not apply to exports. So you can be a commercial enterprise and export smaller tortoises overseas. So, if you wanted to go into business, if you found a source overseas you could breed for profit.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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The law was conceived under idiotic Notions. they failed to take into account that kids don't wash their hands very often and that's where the majority if not all of the salmonella cases comes from. But you know politicians don't know their butts from a hole in the ground. sorry for getting a little political

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