Question about Testudo and raccoons


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 21, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, TX
That's interesting, the no trapping regulation. Here in South Texas, so long as you have the permission of the land owner and the animal can be classed as a nuisance animal, it is perfectly legal to trap them. I do it all the time, given that "nuisance animal" is a rather loose classification. I keep covers on all of my babies, and I bring them indoors at night. I started bringing all torts under five inches indoors at night after a skunk dug nine inches under a buried fence and cleared one of my baby enclosures. I caught that big monster in the trap the next night. He was close to twenty pounds. Let me tell you, that was a lot of fun, moving that trap. There's a lot of talk about raccoons and opossums, but in my opinion, the worst of these milk drinkers is the damned skunk. You can't put 'em down with the .22 without making a big stink. This past winter, I set up a series of night boxes while the tortoises were sleeping in the fridge. This should keep me 100% covered, babies to adults. I still put out the traps, though. Every night, I usually catch an opossum. I haven't caught a raccoon in over six months, which is strange, but every time I catch one, I take it out to a friend's property who likes to track and hunt them for sport.
