picky eater?

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5 Year Member
Jul 10, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Fort Mill, SC
Has anybody noticed their tortoise being a picky eater? I was feeding my baby golden greek dandelion greens the past two weeks(while I had some) now that I ran out I went and got some mustard greens, collard greens, kale, and a zucchini. I fed a mixture of that to her today and she isn't as interested in it as she was with the dandelion greens.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
hmmm, chocolate cake or dry piece of bread? Hmmm, chocolate cake of course LOL.....I know, they can be picky...but, my guys WILL NOT eat any mustard, collard greens, kale nor zucchini.....but heck, it does not taste good :D the dandelions have a better taste and the dandelion flowers are like tortoise crack....

however, you may need to tough love them...it is no fun and they will make you think they are NEVER going to eat....but you may want to try some other things...hibiscus flowers and leaves. Roses and rose leaves, hollyhock flowers and leaves....you know, the yummy stuff :D

you can also try to plant some wild bird seed in a flat planter and then offer that to them for grazing...you can also purchase a variety of other seeds to plant in flats for the offering...just a suggestion, my guys will accept organic stuff (not rinsed) and grown from the dirt stuff, they will not eat the stuff in the produce isle of the grocery store...but then again neither do I (all organic goodies :D )
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