Michealangalo and Leonardo


New Member
Apr 11, 2015
I posted and joined this forum earlier this month when we lost baby Raphael. I currently have two hatchling scutula tortoises, however I truly question if they are both scutula as they look very different. I have a few questions for everyone. Why is it bad to have two tortoises? Currently they both share a tank and they both seem to be doing fine but everything that I have read says that I should not have two and I was wondering why? Also they have been pooping white stuff, but everything else said this was normal and an expelling of high protein? Should I lower their protein? I am currently feeding them a variety of greens, Romaine, Dandelion leaves, and organic spring mix, with calcium powder supplement. Is this good or should I add something different? I have read many different things on line and also many different things on this forum. I am so excited that I joined this forum you all have been so wonderful. Thank you.


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Tortoises are solitary and territorial. Typically one will bully the other. It may not be visible bullying. One will just be dominant. The other will try to stay out of the way. It causes stress and the bullied one will not grow and thrive.
The white stuff is urates. As long as it is creamy, like toothpaste, and not gritty, it is normal.
Try to add more variety to the diet. Grass and weeds should be the primary diet.
Would love to see pictures of your little ones.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
I concur with the above post . Would also like to see pictures of your little ones .

Tidgy's Dad

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Feb 11, 2015
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Hello again.
If you can manage to post pictures we will be able to tell if you have two different types of tortoise.
This would make it even more imperative that they are kept separately.
Lots of broad leaved greens and weeds is best, but not so much on the romaine.
It's not bad for the tortoise, but is very high in water content and low in nutrients so the tortoise can fill it's stomach quickly and not get enough of the essential vitamins and minerals it requires.
Glad the forum has been useful to you, Megan.
I find it a font of wisdom and good people too.

Yvonne G

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Hi Megan:

Please post pictures of the tortoises so we can help you identify them. It's not a good idea to keep them together if they're not the same species.