I did it again....

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Nov 9, 2008
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Nigel seemed to be having alot of trouble with his two-bin set up. There were double the amount of corners, and he always seemed to get stuck in them. So I did the only logical thing!

I went down to the local walmart and bought a new bin! Its an xmas tree tote, and only about 4 inches less length wise than his old double bin enclosure. Its the same width, and only an inch shorter in height (which isn't a problem now, because I used a lamp stand, instead of a clamp).

All and all, its a much more "open" set up, and Nigel seems to be enjoying not having to manuver so much around rocks and such, and that pipe, to get where he is going.

He was also "tunneling" the first day in there, burying himself, and then walking under the substrate as if burrowing (too bad the aspen doesn't hold a shape!)

He is also making use of his log hide now, which is pretty rare.

Here are the pics: (I can post more if anyone wants me to.)



I'm in the process of getting some paper up on the new tub too...though it doesn't seem to be a problem, as this plastic is even more frosted than his last bins.

Yvonne G

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I really like those type of storage bins for small tortoise habitats. You have yours set up really nice. I like all the plants. I'm glad Nigel is happy. I've always told people that I adopt tortoises to that tortoises don't like you to change their furniture around. They don't like change, it stresses them out. But that is obviously NOT the case with Nigel. You seem to have hit upon a solution that makes him happy.



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That looks nice! I am sure he loves it.


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Looks good!

I think one thing that helped not stress him is that it looks like you have put everything almost EXACTLY where is was before... there is just no longer a wall in the middle.

Great Job!!!

(Can I steal these pics too, lol??)



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Dec 18, 2008
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Looks great! I wonder if he'd like it deeper to burrow more? Not sure how much Greeks like that vs. Russians...My little guy can form tunnels with the aspen that hold shape (and we have the same aspen particle shape). I love all your plants. :)

Is that the Mega Ray? Like it? Not even sure what you had before.


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The enclosure looks great Meg :) I would though think about adding a 4 foot fluorescent shop light to the enclosure. All Testudo tortoises need a lot of light on their enclosure's. All my christmas tree totes have basking lamps and 4 foot shop lights on them.



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Really nice enclosure Meg.
I really like all the plants and the tunnels, it looks really great :)


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Nov 9, 2008
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Thanks! I will probably buy another bag of aspen when I get groceries. I used a new bag, and the half I had left over and it covered pretty well....I work so much (atleast 20 hrs a week) and I have school monday-thursday, that sometimes its hard to make my way around to get supplies!

I am still waiting on my darn MVB....it was ordered a while ago, so I am just waiting for them to ship. I really like the lamp stand though...I'm so glad I bought them!

The tote is a dream! I have not noticed any stress behavior with Nigel since the move, and he has gotten his full appetite back (except for red chard it still seems!--he's always hated the stuff!)

Thanks for noting that I put everything back the same way! I used the same plants too, and everything, so it still has his scent on it and whatnot. He seems much more comfortable with it, than his old one. And I haven't had to unstick him from corners. He's also started using his log hide now (for the last two nights) so i think it might be in just the right spot or something now! :p

I don't know why all my pics continue to come out so dark, but Nigel gets ALOT of natural light. The windows in my living room are on the wall adjacent to his enclosure, and its never dark in there until sundown...that, couple with the lamp keeps it pretty bright...

I'm also going to start soaking Nigel every friday now. After the avacado scare, I don't want to risk him being even a little under hydrated.


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Nigel's new home is great. I used that same storage bin for Pio's (my Cherry Head) first summer outside. I made drainage holes on the bottom, and put the cover under it and planted in it.


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Meg, great enclosure for Nigel. So happy he is back to his old self again. I also have two of those totes. They are great. First one I got from Wal-Mart last year was $15.00 this year I paid $30.00 but still worth it I think. I love the way you have it set up. Are those silk plants?
My Greeks just seem to scoot into the aspen, they don't really tunnel like Russians do. But I love watching them come up from the aspen with it on their backs as they scamper over for breakfast. lol
Congrats on providing him such a nice enclosure.


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Dec 18, 2008
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Thanks for explaining the Greeks vs. Russians burrowing for me, Robyn. I wasn't sure on that! My little guy is about 6 inches down in his foot-long burrow right now, lol. Glad I have the enclosure height for that.

Meg has lovely silk plants in there--I'm jealous.


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*points to self* Resident silk-plant NUT here.

I can't help it! I even have big fake ones in my "enclosure" too! Because the only thing I can keep alive is a big peace lily....I planted his seed mix and a strawberry plant on Saturday too...but they haven't sprouted yet. I'm hoping my thumb gets alittle greener sometime soon!

Yes, Kristina you can have these too! I will take some better ones tomorrow though, I was just in such a hurry to get the new ones posted!

Nigel realllly likes his log hide now, which is odd, because all he ever did with it before was climb on it :p. He's been sleeping in it for the last three nights now...When before, he used to get cozy in his aspen.

But I read on here, that someones tortoise was "rearranging" his hide by pushing it across the enclosure, and that until the owner stopped moving it back to the original spot, he wouldn't use it. I'm thinking that that's the case with Nigel...it must be finally where he wants it.

He is back to being a piggy now too. Its funny, he's pretty health conscious for a tortoise! :p He wouldn't eat a full plate of romaine, but downs the same portion of spring mix every morning (he also hates banana) And here I was worried I was going to have trouble switching him back to his normal diet. :D


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Meg, good thing Nigel is health conscious because Bananas are not good for him. Oh and you know that 'big peace lily' is toxic, so make sure Nigel does not get any. ;) I am glad he is back to his old self.


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The banana was a bribe right after we first got him, to buy some lovin! He turned his nose up after a nibble! I was just shocked lol...He much prefers a good shaving of carrot any day.

The peace lily is way over across the living room too. And I am too big of a scardycat to put any live plants in with him...he can be such a tank (a little tank I guess, at just over 5 3/4 inches!) I would be worried that he would find a way to climb up the pot and tip something over, or get stuck or .....well, there are a lot of "or"s I guess!

Especially after the scare he gave me with the avocado...I am going to be pretty cautions before I offer him anything else new. (and make darn sure that it IS on the accepted list. gah.)
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