I am disgusted and devastated.


Active Member
Jul 21, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Tampa, FL
This makes me sick to my stomach. I breathe heavily just reading this. I want to sob.


Active Member
Jul 21, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Tampa, FL
Ok yeah, im crying. I saw the graphic version of the video. Im shaking, and probably scarred for life.


Active Member
Jul 21, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Tampa, FL
Exactly why I wouldn't watch it...... :(
I didn't think they would show everything.. But they did. Im not letting my tortoise roam outside unless I am STARING at him. The world is so cruel and I cant trust anyone with a living creature.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 28, 2012
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Beaumont, CA.
I can't watch the video, i don't need to.
I would give the most severe punishment possible.
Terrible action= terrible consequences.
Otherwise it's just a joke.

I'm sure their only fear at this moment, is that they got caught.


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Dec 30, 2013
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Sierra Vista, AZ
I did not watch the video, thank goodness, because I know it would be something I could never unsee... Reading it was bad enough. What the f*ck is wrong with people?!? Like, W.T.F!!!

I will be writing a letter to the city and county officials where those two ***** live. This is inexcusable and repulsive. They need more than community service and a fine... I don't care if it is $10,000 or not. Obviously their parents failed at raising loving or caring individuals, those two pieces of sh*t need to pay with a pound of flesh.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
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Any more on what's happening to the girls? I seriously want to cry...


Well-Known Member
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Jul 12, 2013
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Irving Texas
Even the cruelest people can take therapy, it might work (logic can usually be "pumped" into a listener), sometimes they may stay the same... If we as a community don't try giving them therapy, we are just as guilty! Therapy might change them, if they don't it's there loss, but we can't sit around without taking action... Just as how the seasons change, people do to. I personally can't stand the thought they might have been able to change but I didn't help :( your right it's disgusting, a true human shouldn't do this!
Therapy will not help those who do not aknowledge what they did was wrong. These girls were having fun and thought this was a cool enough event to FILM IT AND POST IT TO THE INTERNET! Their entire thought process through any therapy they might receive, which will be none by the way, will focus only on the fact that they got caught! They will never understand what they did because it was just a "stupid turtle"!


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Sep 7, 2013
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Teens are caught up in this jacked up trend, chasing 5 minutes of fame in a viral video. And it's escalating rapidly. The latest trend is the fire challenge. They are so stupid, they are lighting THEMSELVES on fire while their friends capture it on video for social media. I'm a little worried about the future of the species. We seem to getting dumber by the minute. :0/

I hope for the harshest legal punishment for these girls.


New Member
Aug 1, 2014


Such poor, poor tortoises.:(

There is NO good reason to do that.


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Dec 30, 2013
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I read on one of the new sites, the older girl had been in a home for troubled teens but due to lack of funding, the home closed. She definitely is in need of psychological help, but certainly not condoning her actions.


5 Year Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Bergen, Norway
I found this thread while looking up info on gopher tortoises...... I dont't know what to say. People like this doesn't deserve to live.

Whatever happens to these idiots I hope they never do something like this again.

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
My husband and I once pressed charges against a teen for animal cruelty. I agree with two points members have shared... YES these two girls need to be punished severely, and YES these two girls need therapy...

Before my husband and I had our own children, we took in a troubled 17yr old girl who was being raised by her grandmother. Grandma passed away and we agreed to be her legal guardians and help her through school. Her parents were complete losers and our teen suffered neglect and abuse in her early childhood. It is horrifically common for children with attachment and trauma issues not to develop empathy. There are more cases than anyone can number of these children abusing animals and even small children.

We knew our teen was pretty troubled and immediately put her in therapy as soon as she set foot in our home. While she was in our home, she began to act out aggressively toward our animals. Our teen felt that she had no control over anything in her life, and because she never developed proper empathy, she began exerting the ultimate control over others and began doing small things that would hurt our animals. -This is how rapists and serial killers begin!!! It is often far more about control than anything else. She never did anything seriously threatening, but began to bully and hurt them in small ways, and we have NO tolerance for this whatsoever and were afraid that she would worsen. With the assistance of our therapist and animal control, we took safety measures in our home, and did PRESS CHARGES against our own teen.

We stood next to her in the court room along with animal control. We explained to the judge everything we had learned from our therapist, her need for direct consequences, and asked him to consider the maximum sentence allowed. She was charged with cruelty to animals and fined the maximum amount for her age and lower level of crime. It wasn't much, but the judge was wise enough to convert the fine to community service hours, many of which would be spent volunteering in our local animal shelter and YMCA. She was also told to continue her therapy. It was exactly what she needed. She needed to learn that society would not tolerate her actions and she needed to be STOPPED before escalating. AND she needed proper therapy in order to get out of perpetual fight and flight mode and learn how to release her emotions in a healthy way.

What these two girls did is beyond words. They are cruelly murdering animals and humans will be next. Furthermore, they did it in a way to attract attention and even praise from their peers. They need to learn this will not be accepted by society and must be disciplined as harshly as possible to learn the very serious consequences of their actions. And it is equally important that they receive the much needed help for their mental health.


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5 Year Member
Oct 10, 2011
Thank you for your response. So many parents choose to look the other way rather than taking action. I hope she has changed, and her view has improved.

Michael Twohy

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Aug 7, 2014
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Roseville, Minnesota
One of my Russians escaped from her garden and a neighbor kid took her home and I am sure tortured her to death. I know this because the yard guy told me he heard the kids Mom yell at the other kids to go get him before he got another turtle and killed it. I caught him throwing rocks at my others from across the fence. He is lucky I had not found out it was him who took my little girl and he is VERY lucky I have not seen him since finding out what he did to her (his family has gone back to Mexico) He is about 4 and still doesn't speak. I caught all the kids I had seen near my home and was not gentle in telling them what would happen if they were ever seen there again. I then had a letter sent to all the parents in the neighborhood detailing what would happen if their children did not stay away from my tortoises. I "hired" the one kid who really cared about them to keep the others away. He did a great job. I have since put up a taller fence and the plants have grown huge so the torts can actually hide now.
I don't know what I would do if I ever saw something like what these girls did, especially if it was one of my babies, but I will tell you I would probably have to go to trial over it. A person that will willfully and maliciously torture and kill a defensless creature AND film it for enjoyment needs to be exterminated. There is no coming back from that kind of crazy.
That is absolutely horrible!