
jeff kushner

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Jul 24, 2020
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Everyone feels the same way yet nothing changes. Soon, how much you make will dictate your cost.
Makes you feel special, right?

Frogs in a pot.

Reminds me when my Dad taught me; "Who told you life was fair?"


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
This is nonsensical. idk where you heard it, but thats not how it works. Electricity isn't sold and sent county to county. California and Illinois are on separate grids. Maybe its possible to buy 'offset' power, but I doubt theres any actual electricity being sent from Illinois to California.
With all do respect you no idea what you are talking about, another example of your ignorance on a subject. Look up the definition for ignorance.
EVERY state except Texas is on the grid, the same one. You need to Google more info before you try and tell me how wrong I am. What I posted is 100% TRUE, even if you can't find it on Google. And yes it does work that way, power plants send power to other areas using the GRID. 2 yrs ago when Texas lost dozens of residents due to FREEZING, yes froze to death it was because their Wind Turbines Froze, there was no sun for solar and they are on their OWN grid. Due to this move from climate alarmists in Texas when they had a period of unusually low temps they were on their own (as far as power).
This is NOT meant as a disrespect, but before you try and tell someone they are a LIAR you might want to educate yourself a little more.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
O almost forgot .......
This info came from a 30 minute special done by OUR local tv station, since we are the #1 county permitting solar farms in the country. The federal gov is pushing it into our county as well through federal properties, so our county is charging them a fee to "Connect" to the grid.


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With all do respect you no idea what you are talking about, another example of your ignorance on a subject. Look up the definition for ignorance.
EVERY state except Texas is on the grid, the same one. You need to Google more info before you try and tell me how wrong I am. What I posted is 100% TRUE, even if you can't find it on Google. And yes it does work that way, power plants send power to other areas using the GRID. 2 yrs ago when Texas lost dozens of residents due to FREEZING, yes froze to death it was because their Wind Turbines Froze, there was no sun for solar and they are on their OWN grid. Due to this move from climate alarmists in Texas when they had a period of unusually low temps they were on their own (as far as power).
This is NOT meant as a disrespect, but before you try and tell someone they are a LIAR you might want to educate yourself a little more.

No one that has the most basic understanding of the electrical system in the United States would need to Google to know what I have written. That there are 3 separate interconnects (grids) is about as simple as it gets. Eastern, Western, and Texas. There are limited connections between them. The likelihood that power for this specific purpose is being sent from the Eastern to the Western is low to 0.

Electricity is not bought/sold/sent county to county for 2000 miles. Thats not how electricity is transmitted over long distances.

Just because some propaganda tells you what you want to believe doesn't make it true. Most of the loss of capacity during the Texas freeze was from nat gas supplies and generation failing. Wind generation loss was a fraction of that. I'm going off of memory, but I think the solar actually overperformed during that time period.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
No one that has the most basic understanding of the electrical system in the United States would need to Google to know what I have written. That there are 3 separate interconnects (grids) is about as simple as it gets. Eastern, Western, and Texas. There are limited connections between them. The likelihood that power for this specific purpose is being sent from the Eastern to the Western is low to 0.

Electricity is not bought/sold/sent county to county for 2000 miles. Thats not how electricity is transmitted over long distances.

Just because some propaganda tells you what you want to believe doesn't make it true. Most of the loss of capacity during the Texas freeze was from nat gas supplies and generation failing. Wind generation loss was a fraction of that. I'm going off of memory, but I think the solar actually overperformed during that time period.
You are 100% wrong again .... and for what purpose? It truly amazes me you are a moderator. You only comment to start an argument with the person, of course after you call them a liar. You are an idiot. The largest Solar projects in the country (and some in the world) are in my back yard, you mean to tell me that there are 10's of thousands of people using this power in the desolate Desert? NO you are clearly in this for an argument. What about Vegas? They are where some of the largest Solar Farms are, where is all that Solar energy created going? Again a clear example of electricity going to the grid. You even say yourself that they are connected through "limited connections" And in Texas when it froze the solar did not "overperform" it failed, so the only propaganda is your false, argumentative ignorant statements to start an argument. Consider this the last time the 2 of us communicate, I have enough idiots that surround me. And again Your a Moderator ....

Yvonne G

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Here on the Forum, we value each member's opinion, and we allow every member to share opinions. BUT!!! It is strictly against our rules and guidelines to namecall. If you don't agree with an opinion, then state your argument, but never, NEVER stoop to name calling. @EppsDynasty : Please understand, this is your first warning.


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Understood, I would hope all would be held to this standard. I apologize for putting you in the position to have to deal with this.
Everyone is held to this, yes, even us mods. We may not always catch it, but that's what the report button is for.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
I am here to give my torts a better life, and I try to promote this forum. ANY ONE that does not provide insight to torts or that hobby and only is offensive to members and guest is only dragging this forum down. Members should have the forums best interests at heart, not set out to detour growth. I was wrong in name calling and will not do it again. This is my argument by the way.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Awwwwww, Epps got in trouble......awwww. At least I'm not alone now!

You are smart to heed my words my friend...these girls are not to be trifled with, they're tough, but in a good way.




Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
Awwwwww, Epps got in trouble......awwww. At least I'm not alone now!

You are smart to heed my words my friend...these girls are not to be trifled with, they're tough, but in a good way.


Thanks for the recap. I agree, I may not know the other gals but I would NEVER want to be on Yvonne's bad side. I think I walked up to that line looked across and said .... Maybe not, at least today.
It's nice to know I'm not the only A-Hole in the room.


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Our church has a pre-worship cafe every Sunday...free handmade breakfast burritos and coffee and I volunteer there...there is a guy who comes every Sunday...check this out...he works for Tesla...taking classic muscle cars like mine and making them electric! Electric Tesla's are very fast, can you just imagine? But, I can drive my IROC for almost 350 miles if the throttle minds itself...ya can't go 300 miles in an electric car in Oregon...or maybe by now on I 5...and the electric muscle car transition costs $45k
btw, I have a blown head gasket, water in 3 cylinders, a 'twisted' piston and other small stuff...there's only 48k miles on that LT1 engine and turbo tranny...damn it100_0409.JPG


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Thanks for the recap. I agree, I may not know the other gals but I would NEVER want to be on Yvonne's bad side. I think I walked up to that line looked across and said .... Maybe not, at least today.
It's nice to know I'm not the only A-Hole in the room.
My sister actually is very nice and a really considerate person...but she is a stickler for the rules without question. She is mostly fair, unless it involves me, I am her exact opposite and I used to get in a lot of trouble here, and holy cats she can get p*ssed off easy!


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
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Robbinsville NJ
A few months ago, after reading that Tom and others recommended using plain old fashioned 60 watt incandescent flood light bulbs from the local hardware stores, I quickly ran over to the Home Depot in my NJ town. I asked the nice lady in the lighting section where I could find these bulbs and she replied, you can’t find them in any large box store, e.g., Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, etc. She added that I could thank the federal government because last August, they banned the manufacture and sale of most incandescent bulbs, so we don’t carry any of them anymore. But then she pulled me aside and whispered that I could still get them on the internet from marketplaces such as Amazon. I thanked her for the tip and went back home, eager to quickly order some floodlights so I could swap out my high intensity basking light that was probably better suited inside a Holly Hobbie Bake Oven. But my search for the incandescents was not as easy as I thought it would be.

The federal ban on incandescent bulbs first began in 2007 under the Bush Administration with the enactment of the Energy Independence and Security Act, which set maximum power requirements on all general service lightbulbs.Ten years later, the Trump Administration slowed the rollout of the enforcement of the policy, and reversed the Clean Power Plan signed by President Obama in 2015.

In April 2022, the Department of Energy under the Biden Administration, announced the phaseout of “energy wasting” lightbulbs starting August 1, 2023. Under the new standard, lightbulbs must produce at least 45 lumens (the measure of brightness) per watt, whereas traditional incandescent lightbulbs only produce about 15 lumens per watt.

The purpose behind the ban is to promote using LED bulbs, which the DOE say last longer, are cheaper, reduce electricity bills and do less damage to the environment.

Maximum civil penalties will be sought against those who sell the incandescent bulbs, but exceptions are made for appliance lights, black lights, bug lights, colored lamps, infrared lamps, plant lights, flood lamps, (YES, FLOOD LAMPS), reflector lights and traffic signal bulbs, according to the DOE.

When I got home, I searched the internet and found only a few suppliers of the incandescent flood bulbs on Amazon. Most sell the cheaper, longer lasting LED bulbs that don’t get as hot. And feeling almost like a criminal buying contraband from the black market, I ordered a whole bunch of 60 watt, 75 watt bulbs from the few small retailers that still carry incandescent and received them within a few days, and swapped out the probably damaging reptile basking bulbs I was currently using. Every now and then, when I’m feeling bored, I order a few more incandescent flood lights but the search gets harder and harder. My aim is to create a stockpile of these incandescent while there is still availability so Desmond, my 7 month old leopard tortoise, need not go back to wearing this in his tortoise house….


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Tim Carlisle

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Maximum civil penalties will be sought against those who sell the incandescent bulbs, but exceptions are made for appliance lights, black lights, bug lights, colored lamps, infrared lamps, plant lights, flood lamps, (YES, FLOOD LAMPS), reflector lights and traffic signal bulbs, according to the DOE.

It's becoming a chore to even find incandescent flood bulbs anymore. Perhaps the big box stores just decided not to sell any incandescents and play it safe. Thank God the the local farm stores here still carry them.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
My sister actually is very nice and a really considerate person...but she is a stickler for the rules without question. She is mostly fair, unless it involves me, I am her exact opposite and I used to get in a lot of trouble here, and holy cats she can get p*ssed off easy!
Your sister is by any measure the Nicest person I have EVER known. It tears me apart to have done ANYTHING that makes her have to come out of her comfort zone and have to deal with B. S. I have a STRONG feeling you and I are alot alike and would love to meet you. Your sister when pushed is not an Yvonne I want directed at me, no way Jose.
That is a Fantastic thing to volunteer, those are the things that real human beings do to make the world turn. It is a shame we don't have a lot of REAL human beings anymore.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Oh stop! You're makin' me blush!!
Hell this as good a time as any........
When the tort biologist was here we discussed our future plans to make here a "all native and natural" Desert tortoise ACRE. There will be several pens but nothing will be done to change what is and would be their natural surroundings and ecosystem. This is not a pipe dream or something that will never happen, actually it's already in the works. so after wasting your time with details here is what I wanted to say. This acre plus piece of land will be named after/for you Yvonne. I'm not sure on the exact name phrasing to be used (this is where you can help), I was planning on asking you or putting a poll on the forum for all to chime in. Of course the final name choice is YOURS. I am asking you @Yvonne G what you would like this special place to be called. It is going to happen no matter how much you blush. This would never be a thing, we would never be in the tort position we are in without YOU.
This may be a thread hijack but hell it's my thread so take that. Anyone that don't like it. SO any name choices in mind ....... Yvonne's Acre ...... Yvonne's Place ....... This is dedicated to Yvonne? Just throwing out there some choices.
Everyone waits till there is a death or they are no longer with us to do a thing like this, not this one. I want you to know how much of an impact you have on this world, countless torts especially Desert will live happy healthy lives and it is ALL a reaction from the Love you showed my family and I. So while your still kickin A** we wanted to do this for you.
Flood this post with answers to this important question.

Yvonne G

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Clovis, CA
Yvonne is such a hard name for anyone to spell. How 'bout something with just 'Y' in it? I'm truly honored that you hold me in such high regard, but believe me, I don't deserve it!


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Yvonne is such a hard name for anyone to spell. How 'bout something with just 'Y' in it? I'm truly honored that you hold me in such high regard, but believe me, I don't deserve it!