Did you know? (I didn't)

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
There are so many things that we don't know. Like in the movie, "we don't even know that we don't know"

Did you know that Peter Weller.... the actor that portrayed ROBOCOP has a PHD in Italian Art?


Did you know for example that there are pictures, actual pictures of some of the guys that fought in the American Revolution? No, not the Civil war, the Revolutionary war!! Wow!

This is Samuel Downing....at 99 years old in 1864 2-3 yrs before he died, he fought the British!

Here is another man( Lamuel Cook) who fought in 1776 and saw the beginning and end of the Civil war.


These dudes lived a LONG time at a time where the life expectancy didn't extend even to 60 years.

cool stuff....


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
First - cool pics!

Second - When we read "Iife expectancy" its a little deceptive because they're averaging in all the kids who died under 5 years old, and accidental deaths, which brings the number down. Ben Franklin was about the same age as these men and Thomas Jefferson lived to 83. It was kind of like, if you managed to survive to 45-50 you'd probably live to twice that.

Third - They would have been ten or eleven when the Revolutionary War started. Everybody had to do whatever needed done , and its only been in the last hundred years where we've thought of kids as needing protected from the more harsh aspects of life, but what did being exposed to the violence and hardships of war do to them? What was their quality of life? Seventy-plus years of PTSD? Yikes!

Fourth - Those are really cool pics! I have a hard time thinking of photography being around long enough to touch all of the Country's history. Wow! Thanks for sharing those. Now tell us the story of how you discovered them!


jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
LOL....I like how you girls focus on the "how & why".

Like most folks, I go to the internet to find things or to learn things. Sometimes I do "tangent-reading" where I allow the distractions on the "net to cause me to click and click following a meandering path.

It's kind of cool....and it's amazing the stuff you will learn!

Preying Mantis for example have no means of actually killing their prey so they eat it while it's alive...gruesome!


Way too many Uncle Johnny's Bathroom Readers over the past 3 decades!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Awww... * stubs toe into dirt and mumbles * You were supposed to tell us your Granddad's Great Uncle Erasmus lived on the next farm over... or you found the pics at this really interesting estate sale on Delmarva ... or ... or ... or ...

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