
  1. Torythesulcata

    Posts disappeared? Second introduction My Sulcata Is Now 3 Years Old

    Hello everyone glad to be back. I have a 3 year old Sulcata called Tory. I made numerous posts in the past but as I’ve just logged back in they’re all gone ? I was hoping they would of stayed for my future reference and it would of been nice to go back to them. Does anyone know why they’ve...
  2. W

    Humidity (Relitive Humidity or Dewpoint)

    Hi I have a hatchling Sulcata Tort in a closed tub enclosure. Substrate consists of 90 %Coco fiber and 10% reptibark. It is moisture but not wet. The relative humidity is 80% temp is 81F on cool end but the dewpoint is 75%. Which measurement should I be looking at? I have a push wifi...
  3. Mulgore

    Fine orchid bark

    I really cant seem to find Fine grade orchid bark anywhere just the normal size pieces is there any way to break them up and I would like to not order them online do to shipping. this is all i can find i live in NC
  4. W

    Hi Im new and looking for starter info.

    My new sulcata tortoise is about 8 weeks old. I'm terrified lol. How much humidity and how do I control it. I read to soak them then I read not to... I read don't change what they eat alot (they were feeding spring greens) then I read feed them what is good for them. Also spring greens has...
  5. P

    Shell crack on the edge

    Hi guys! yesterday I realized my little tort's shell cracked. It cracked on the edge of his shell. You can see that in the circle in the picture I attached. I can move it up and down a little but it hasn't completely fallen off yet. I don't want to pull it out because I'm afraid it will hurt...
  6. Justin_

    Need opinions on shell please

    This is my Sulcata Tortoise named Kiwi, I got her as a rescue. The first photo is when I got her and the rest of the photos are from today. She had a small crack and some scutes that were kind of concave looking. I cleaned and disinfected her and put vet recommended resin adhesive on her crack...
  7. G

    Rehome 2 Sulcata

    Hi everyone, This is hard for me to ask, so please be kind. I have 2 sulcatas, 1 male, 1 female that I'm thinking of rehoming. I just went through a divorce and I'm getting my life together as a single mom. I'm realizing I don't have the capacity to take care of the tortoises the way they...
  8. K

    Advice on Growing Greenery in Sulcata Cage and Shell Health (pyramiding)

    Hi Everyone! I live in New Orleans and we have had our little guy (or girl!) For almost 2 years now. We unexpectedly took it home from deplorable pet store conditions at a garden store on Christmas Eve 2021. He was itty bitty when we got him so I assume he's almost 2 years old now. We've built...
  9. P

    Is this new environment good for my tortoise?

    Hello guys it's me again. I just purchased a new substrate from Exo Terra, The plantation soil. It's made of coconut fiber which is not recommended in Mr.Tom's care sheet (the care sheet suggests coconut coir). It looks quite okay except I don't know if it can completely be replaceable or not...
  10. Digr


    I’m in need of a tortoise loving individual or family to adopt my precious 5 year old AZ raised Sulcata, Bubba. She’s in excellent health and responds to voice and gentle touch. Thank you kindly
  11. C

    Tortoise Umbilicus Wound

    Hi! My 4 month old sulcata tortoise seem to have a wound on where his yolk sac used to be. Please see photos. Any remedy for this? Or may I know what caused it? Is it contagious? I have 2 torts right now sharing the same enclosure. I have contacted a vet, and was given first aid to apply...
  12. S

    Concerned about Sulcata Shell

    Hello! I have a 1 year old African Sulcata tortoise. I wanted to post her pictures here and see what you all think about her shell. I feel like her scutes are pretty small and the darker parts (I think they’re called sutures?) in between them are thicker than average and cover more of her shell...
  13. cdibarra99

    New here! Rate my setup!

    Hi everyone! My name is Christian, and I am a happy dad to my new sulcata named bowser (about a year old). I have so many questions about the tank and feeding so here goes: Currently I have a 20 gallon tank full of coco coir, I have some repti-bark coming in soon so I can mix 50/50 repti-bark...
  14. K

    Sulcata with yellow area around the right eye.

    Hello my Sulcata has recently been dealing with a swollen eye and some yellow discoloration around it. I don’t see any discharge coming from the eye. His enclosure is usually about 65 humidity and 80 degrees and above I use substrate that is like a soil consistency and substrate that appears to...
  15. T

    Sulcata hatchling isn’t eating

    Hi I have a baby sulcata that I got about a month ago so she’s around 2-3ish months old. As soon as I got her she was already squeaking but with some soaking and consistent misting the squeak has mostly gone away. These past few weeks she’s been eating less and less except for an occasional...
  16. kirbytherussian

    Burrowing under cinder blocks

    Hi all! My 3 y.o. Sulcata recently dug his first burrow. Proud mom moment! However, his current enclosure utilizes cinder blocks as the walls- I found its easy to adjust and make bigger for his blooming size, as well as the fact that I am currently not in my forever home- which when I do buy a...
  17. Henry_andres

    Sulcata help

    Hi my name is Henry my friend bought a sulcata tortoise about 2 years ago he moved away and decided to give him to me his name is Carlos. I don’t know too much about him so I have been reading constantly about how to raise him. I have been feeding him all the greens I can buy going from lettuce...
  18. M

    Stunted growth Sulcata

    Hello everyone! I have just recently inherited my cousins 3 year old female sulcata and unfortunately he stunted her growth. She is three year old and smaller than my golden Greek tortoise. They kept her in a very small tub like enclosure, the same enclosure he brought her home in when she was a...
  19. L

    Is this scute growth something I should be worried about?

    This is growth something I should be worried about? This is my dad's 14 year old sulcata. It's like there is a mini scute growing between the bigger scutes. Is this a sign of something and what should I do?
  20. G

    First time Sulcata keeper in need of help!

    I have recently adopted an almost 3 year old female Sulcata Tortoise, and I feel that I am way in over my head here, either that or I am just overthinking things. My issue is figuring out lighting and heating and am hoping any Sulcata experts can come to my rescue! I currently have a exo-terra...