
  1. bigsulcata

    Organic Blood meal or feather meal for fertilizer in enclosure

    Hello! I have never had to fertilize my lawn, but now in a new backyard with grass i’ve grown myself, I’ve realized my new soil has too much potassium and phosphorus, and it is completely depleted in nitrogen. This is resulting in my grass seed not growing well, so I need to apply some organic...
  2. bigsulcata

    Never Discussed: Lion’s Tail / Wild Dagga Safe for Sulcata?

    Hello! I’m new to the forums, but have had my Sulcata for almost 20 years. She’s a pretty big girl and loves to roam. I recently moved to a new house and the yard has all safe plants for Sulcatas except there is one flower bush I cannot find any information on the internet about its health for...
  3. bezthehee

    Plants for Enclosure

    I just bought these succulents from a local pet store with a lot of reptiles and exotic animals. The store owner told me that they should be safe when I asked about chemicals. My plan is to plant these in her enclosure. I understand that there’s a chance my tortoise will eat and kill them which...
  4. Richardidn

    Pink Cassia/Pink Shower, is it safe for sulcata ?

    Hello, i recently moved (work related) and it happens that i bring my family (sulcata included) theres this big tree in front of our housing i identified it as Pink Cassia. Does anyone know/have experience with their sulcata eating Pink Cassia flower? Its all over the place, but my sulcata...
  5. M

    Help! I caught my tortoise trying to chew his artificial plant

    Hello I’m new here, I’m Meg and my tortoise who is a Hermann is 2ish, called Darwin. I have a few things…. Firstly I keep catching him try to chew his artificial plants in his tortoise table, he seems to be okay and is eating and drinking fine ect… how long should I be worried for…. Secondly...
  6. RatQueen_Irene

    Are Ginseng Leaves Safe?

    Hello, I haven't seen this asked previously and ginseng isn't listed on tortoise table or elsewhere, are the leaves tortoise safe? I have several around. They're ginseng ficus retusa. Eastern Hermann tortoise in question:
  7. Speedy and Pokey TheTorts

    Plants for indoor marginated tortoise habitat

    I’m looking for some plants and shrubs that will best mimic a marginated tortoises natural habitat.
  8. T

    Toxic? Mushroom?

    Hey everyone! Over the last … (2?) days this gross cauliflower looking mushroom (?) has popped up in one of my EBT enclosures. Anyone have this occur before? In 7ish years I haven’t!
  9. Thomas tortoise

    One out of a million?

    I just found this leaf on the ground and it looks like it has....Blossoms? On it. I looked at it very carefully and it does not look like eggs or cocoons it is made from the leaf.
  10. vexy

    Plant ideas for inside enclosure

    Hey all! Wanted to drop by and ask about what kind of plants you wonderful girls and guys use for your tortoise enclosures. Something to break up line of sight, places to chill and hide the little torts. Wasn't too sure what's safe, or they don't decide to destroy. I recently got a lavender...
  11. A

    Why does My tortoise loves this Spot?

    Hey guys, I’m just really curious. I live in Maldives and have 2 Indian Star Tortoise. I’ve had them for 21years. Now the plant in the picture is a Pandan Plant. I always find my Tortoise hiding deep inside the plants. So deep to the point I can’t find them. They’re out in the open so sometimes...
  12. I

    What plant is this???

    This looks like a very interesting plant and I think my tortoise would love it I just don't know what it is and I kinda don't wanna just give it to her. Anyone have a clue what it is?
  13. EddieAndHannah

    Is this shepherds purse?

    Is this shepherds purse? I used the google plant identification and it says it is but I know it’s not always right and I don’t wanna risk it, I’m absolutely horrible at identifying plants so I’m asking here ? it’s just a piece of it as I’ve already cut all the leaves and washed it. I also think...
  14. T

    Leopard Tortoise ate toxic plant ground ivy

    So I let my tortoise out on a nice day and didn’t realize until he was already eating it that he got into some Ground Ivy, or Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea). I’ve scoured the internet reading every possible thing I can find and really am not getting a good answer. Most sites say it’s...
  15. tort_us

    Low-Oxalate Weeds

    I can’t find a ton of info online about low-oxalate weeds (only the ones that are common for humans to eat). What are some good feeds that aren’t high in oxalates?
  16. R

    Plant advice for young Redfoot

    Hey everyone! I have young red foot named Morty that is approximately 2-3 inches and is a few months old. I have the little guy living in 3x5x16 tortoise table that my wife and I built. I want to add a plant or two to help maintain humidity and to make it more enjoyable for Morty. The tortoise...
  17. MadeyK

    Hatchling hermanns diet

    I have a hatchling eastern hermanns and i was wondering if anyone else feeds pellets? I have the mazuri pellets but those are huge! I do soak them but would still like a smaller one. Also what are some good wild plants you guys have come across to feed your little ones in/around Wisconsin?
  18. PiL71

    Safe plants for Horsefields?

    I want to integrate some live plants into my tort's habitat, but I don't really trust the websites that I've looked on ie; Tortoise Town Link, Garden Guide Link, because I'm dealing with my buddy's life here, if I pick the wrong plants. Some that I've picked a liking to are Hawksbeard (not sure...
  19. N

    Plant ID and replanting help

    Does anyone have tips for harvesting and replanting weeds for the purpose of growing more for your tortoise? I am not sure if there are any good ways to replant weeds so that they survive and continue to grow. I also need help identifying these weeds that I am hoping to replant (The second and...