
  1. DesireeKelly

    New Tortoise Keeper - 14 week Tortoise

    Hello! I’ve been searching info for weeks and often end up on this site so I thought I should finally join :) Our tortoise is just a baby and super adorable but the information available is inconsistent and pet stores are horrible; they nearly blinded our poor little guy with coil bulbs that...
  2. C

    New Tortoise Owner: tips please!

    Hello :-) My name is Chloe. I am 19 and I have been researching into getting a tortoise for a pet for two or so years now. I just haven’t made the leap yet! I came very close to getting a young Russian tortoise a few days ago but chickened out. I want to provide my tortoise with the best love...
  3. R

    Hibernating my Tortoise? Help!

    Hi guys! My Tortoise is 9 years old and is a Hermann tortoise, we got him last year and tried to hibernate him by starving him of food and keeping him hydrated, me and my mum at the time were wondering why he was looking at us like what the f**k! And then contacted his previous owner to find out...
  4. Shadowhunter

    Looking for Adult female Sulcata or a pair of Hermanns tortoise

    I live in south Florida and have an adult male Sulcata and am looking to breed I also have a 20*10 foot enclosure that I want to breed smaller species in I am looking for a large female Sulcata or a pair of Hermanns (I will settle for a pair of Redfoots) I am willing to pay
  5. J

    Hello from UK!

    Hello everybody! After a few years of taking care of my tortoise and reading on here, I've finally taken the step and joined the forum. My name is Jorge and I live in London, UK. I have a 15 year old male Hermanni. Let me tell you a bit more about him, and his behaviour, and if you have any...
  6. M

    Brand New Enclosure...Still Trying To Escape!

    Hello All, I’m new to this whole forum business so take it easy on me please, Hehe! So I have a 12 year old (7inch) Hermanns tortoise names Marvin, I’ve had him for about 9 years and he’s always been pretty active. We jokingly call him the “Houdini the ASBO tortoise” because he loves...
  7. Emptysea

    Choosing a Breeder

    Hi everyone, I had a question about picking a breeder or where you purchase your baby from. There are dozens and dozens of websites that offer baby torts and I was wondering how you pick one? Prices vary from shop to shop but overall, each website says similar things about their animals. Is...
  8. Shemdatrini

    My Weeds Garden I. D. (Pic Heavy)

    So this has been done before and trust me I've scoured them looking for matching plants. I think I've gotten most of them right for my Dalmatian Hermanns but i still have a few questions. I've included pictures of the plant and the leafs. Top and bottom. For better identification. Plants 1 and...
  9. isobull

    how long do chalky urates take to normalize?

    I have a ~1 year old hermann's tortoise that I've had for about 7 to 8 months. Everything has been really good so far aside from a minor RI that he just recently got over. I'm concerned now because his urates have become chalky. I've increased the amount of soak time he gets, how many times a...
  10. TinkFoxclaw

    Please help! I really need some help and advice about my tortoise!

    Hi there, thank you for the add to your site. I really am desperate for some help and advice please. In October last year I was given a tortoise by a family member for my daughter. They didn’t know a lot about the tortoise so they gave me some info but I’m not sure how accurate it all is...
  11. Swetortoise

    Help! Tortoise displaying weird behaviour post-hibernation.

    Hello everyone, I would very much appreciate responses on this thread as I'm getting very concerned for my tortoise at this point. I own a Hermanns Tortoise who's about 15 years old and yesterday around 3pm, I took him out of hibernation. He sat under the basking light for a good while, I gave...
  12. TimCarpenter93

    Restless Tortoise\ Walking in to corners

    Hey, I have been noticing some changes in my tortoise behaviour. Digs is a 7 year old female living on her own. She has become very restless over the last few months walking up and down one side of her table and never seems to be still or basking. Another problem I have seen is that she...
  13. mushroomandcucumber

    Hi! Soon to be Hermann Tortoise owner! I have a lot of questions!

    Hi, soon I will be welcoming a baby Hermann tortoise! I'm really excited because I've never owned a tortoise before even though I've wanted to ever since I was a child However, I have a lot of questions that I'm struggling to find answers for, and I would greatly appreciate any help you could...
  14. C

    2yr old hermann has had heat lamp on all night for last year

    Hi there, I would be very grateful if anyone can advise me. I am a total beginner when it comes to tortoise care and I'm looking after a two year old hermann tortoise for the next six months. She has been living in a (woodchip filled) vivarium for the last year with a heat lamp on 24hrs a day...