
  1. N

    Hermann set up

    Morning all, almost finished our Hermanns set up! I’ve added a picture if you could all let me know whether it looks okay 👍 I’m getting a solar meter at the end of the month as my partner so very kindly offered to pay half with me…and will be getting a small green house roof. In terms of...
  2. frenchsuite

    Are these enclosures looking good?

    Three similar size new enclosures for two adult Russians and one baby red foot.
  3. Xyelem

    Tortoise outdoor hide question

    Hi y’all, I’m in the process of building my Russian tortoise an outdoor enclosure and I went with this as one of my hides (the other is a large terracotta pot we’re going to partially bury). My question is: do I need to insulate the inside of this? I live is the USA in zone 5b, if that helps at...
  4. M

    Right climate for Redfoot?

    I'd like to build an outdoor enclosure for my redfoot to give him some extra space and time outside. I live in Indiana so a pretty temperate climate. During the summers it can be hot and humid with a few days in the low 100s here and there, but usually highs between 80-90. The lows are usually...
  5. L

    Raised Flower Bed Enclosure

    I have an African Sulcata torise (King Koopa) and he's a little over a year and is also my classroom pet. He has, in my opinion, outgrown his current inside enclosure (just an old 40-50 gallon tank we turning into a little habitat for him) with heat source. I want to make a new one for my class...
  6. Xyelem

    Advice on my outdoor enclosure setup

    Hi y’all, so I have a Russian tortoise (her name is Pepper) and I’m in the process of building her an outdoor enclosure. I have this weird little area off of my patio that’s about 12’x11’ that gets full sun until about 4pm. I want to do something covered because we sometimes see large birds like...
  7. JoshuaL

    Small tortoise enclosure

    I know enclosures can be different depending on what tortoise species you have but I’m going to be getting a baby tortoise soon of a small species ex: Egyptian or Star tortoises, even though they are different of course eventually when I figure out which one I will be getting I will do more...
  8. Y

    Need help with new tortoise enclosure

    Planning to build an 8x4 enclosure for my redfoot, need some advice on insulation, mounting tube lights and how many I should get? Substrate? Right now she’s in a temporary house (kiddie pool) with cypress mulch and coco coir, has CHE for her heat and 2 uvb bulbs, with some tinfoil around the...
  9. M

    New to the Tortoise world

    Good Morning everyone, I am new to this and only want the best for my little tort Milwaukee. We have had him for almost about a month and bought it from a tortoise breeder up in West Palm Beach. We originally bought him a tortoise house, but within a week and a half we learned that was not the...
  10. S

    Plastic Enclosure and heating

    Hey everyone, I've used wooden enclosures for my red foot tortoise but keep having issues with mold due to high humidity so I was looking to get a plastic container (outdoor storage box, opaque + ill be adding in some modifications to make it more home-y for my tort). Any tips on how to keep...
  11. Beetle_Rain

    Our current enclosure!

    Hi I wanted to share my baby’s current enclosure and maybe get some feed back on how I can improve! He currently lives in a 4 foot by 2 foot custom built wooden enclosure the inside is lined with plastic then a garden fabric to keep the moisture in along with a completely covered top! This gives...
  12. M

    New two-room house: how best to set it up?

    I've had a new house built for my Greek Spur-Thighed tort. It is identical to the one pictured (without the water damage), except with a beam across the apex of the roof to aid in installing lamps etc. It's this bit that I'm looking for advice on: I have a basking lamp, heat pad (which will be...
  13. M

    Rate enclosure(just bought)

    Hello i just bought this enclosure is it fit for a red foot tortoise?
  14. eliseandboris

    Looking for finishing advice 🐢

    I’ve started caring for a Russian tortoise who lives at my work in a tank. Please know I’m aware a 2 x 3 table isn’t enough room, but this is the space available for now. Bigger things in the future. This will double his current space he’s been living in for years so I’m happy to improve things...
  15. eliseandboris

    Russian Tortoise Friends

    Hi Everyone! I was told I should introduce myself and Boris:) He’s come a long way since I started helping him. Please don’t judge as I’m step by step providing him with what he needs. He’s in an office situation, and hasn’t had an ideal set up. I’m currently working on building a “table” out...
  16. Daddy_alpaca


    Heloo, just to be quick i have a russian tortoise who is about 4 or 5 years old and the enclosure i have for him is way too small, its about 4 x 3 feet, and i really want to upgrade him to a bigger enclosure. Ive heard people say that the ideal size is about 4x8, i dont mind the size however...
  17. Mulgore

    Tears in greenhouse kit

    Hello friends there are tears in my boys greenhouse kit i was wondering if anyone had ideas on how to plug it up i tried duct tape but it didnt seem to work the enclosure is 8x4 so if someone has a better greenhouse kit too i would love some links thanks!
  18. R

    Outdoor Red Foot Enclosure in North Caralina

    Hi all! My wife and I will begin looking for someone to build us an outdoor enclosure for our 3 year old red foot. We live in Asheville, NC and it does get pretty dry/cold during the winter (30 degree temps with 30% humidity).. The plan is to restrict her to the indoor portion of her enclosure...
  19. S

    First Red Foot Enclosure - Advice Appreciated

    Hello everyone! First time posting here, and I apologize because it’s a long one. I am currently working towards getting a red foot tortoise. I don’t have one currently but have been doing research for years on and off, knowing I would one day be getting one. I found this forum a little while...
  20. D

    Is this a good enclosure for Russian tortoise

    During the day she stays out in the large space but then at night I keep her in the tank, Wich has a digable material. I’ve never had a tortoise before and I want to make sure I’m not doing anything wrong or harming her health. So if I am doing something wrong please tell me 🙏