Kapidolo Farms
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  • No offense but your website becomes extremely slow in my cellphone after you changed it several times. The old one 1-2 years ago was super fast to load. I am in Seattle and use Xfinity for wifi and AT&T for cellphone data plan
    What do you recommend for the diet of a Sulcata Tortise about 1 year old?
    Hello! Tom the dog trainer on the forum said maybe you can identify this tortoise? Is it a hingeback, local to W. Africa? I was afraid it was an endangered elongated, which is not native here. A vendor wanted to sell it to me, but I am leaving the country soon and I know I can't bring it back to the US. unknown tortoise
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    I don't see a picture. Maybe post the image in the hinge-back subforum?
    hi! someone recommended you for some tort food for my Russian, to help with variety during the winter months... I would love to hear what you offer!
    Hola lm new here, l found this forum today seeking help, l found a Tortoise in a aquarium on the side of the road, lm a animal lover but don't no ANYTHING about it, plz let me know what kind species so l can research how to care of
    Trying to post pictures so l can get identify to research...lm a Newbie, found abandoned Tortoise in aquarium on side of the road
    Hello. Looking to buy some of your products. Likely a variety pack. Any specific recommendations for a Russian? I feed a mix of some weeds and store bought escarole, raddachio, or endive. Looking for more variety while my plants grow. Thanks!
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    Sorry for the late response. Maybe we conversed via email? Testudo Munch is good for Russians.
    No worries. No converse over email, but I did just receive an order. Very happy with it, thanks! I'll get that one next time.
    I read your attachment. My tort doesn’t have any outward signs of uri, but she makes crying sounds that I think must be a uri. It’s not all the time, just sometimes. Is that a uri?
    Torts do occasionally make noises, kind of depends on how often and what context. Does the tort also grimace noticably or strain their limbs during? Start a thread and include info about your tortoises enclosure, temperatures, etc. . Photos help.
    I've just read about ten rave reviews of your tortoise food. :) Do you have products suitable for gopherus agassizi?
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    I do, they might all be thought of as the annual weed type plants - dandelion, plantain, marsh mallow, red clover herb, alfalfa. What is your tortoise eating now? Most of these things are intended to be mixed in with grocery store greens to increase nutrient density and fiber.
    Hi! I have a baby Greek tortoise that I’ve had for about 4 days and I want to give him a great diet even though he’s a little picky. What are some things I should purchase from your website to give him a good balanced diet. You have a wonderful selection!
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    I'd suggest the variety pack called 'testudo munch'
    Do you have any leopard tortoise hatchlings coming available in the next couple months?
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    I have one right now, just weighed yesterday and it's at 78 grams. I'd like to get it above 100 to ship.
    Will, Do you have any pictures and prices for enclosures?
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    see markw84 about the enclosures, he build them.
    Hi, I would like to find out about getting an enclosure also. How do I contact markw84?
    Will, I'm interested in buying some cactus pads from you. I want to confirm that it is ok to feed to my Russian tortoise.
    Kapidolo Farms
    Kapidolo Farms
    I made a 'conversation' responding to your inquiry. Yes Russians can eat it.
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