Recent content by itsameyoshi

  1. itsameyoshi

    San Antonio red foot supplier

    A local store here in San Antonio called Forever Pets
  2. itsameyoshi

    San Antonio red foot supplier

    That's great advice. Thanks so much!
  3. itsameyoshi

    San Antonio red foot supplier

    In 2 weeks, there's a reptile expo happening near me. Lots of vendors and sales of rfs in particular from what I've seen. I'm curious to know opinions on these expos. I'm aware opinions must be quite mixed due to the vendors showing up being from specific areas...
  4. itsameyoshi

    San Antonio red foot supplier

    We are military and retiring soon to the Dallas area. The temps are quite different up there than down here, although certainly not south Florida elements. 😞 my baby passed in the night last night. I fought so so hard to nurse him back to health. I dont know if it was my ignorance, or that he...
  5. itsameyoshi

    San Antonio red foot supplier

    Can anyone recommend a good place to buy a healthy hatchling in San antonio?
  6. itsameyoshi

    Sufficient light for a Red Foot?

    I ended up rigging it to sit on top of the mesh lid and cut an exact rectangle to match thr light so there is nothing blocking thr light. That allows it to stand 12 in from where he walks. Also, my humidity just skyrocketed by placing that t5. 🤯🥳
  7. itsameyoshi

    Hatchling rf not eating

    How did you obtain opuntia cactus?
  8. itsameyoshi

    Hatchling rf not eating

    I did a screenshot of your food list. I'm going to try them. Thanks for thr reply.
  9. itsameyoshi

    Sufficient light for a Red Foot?

    Zerpilot, I'm still learning who everyone is, but you seem super knowledgeable. I received my t5 uv light strip early. Would doing an under the mesh lid-mount make it too close to my little guy?
  10. itsameyoshi

    Sufficient light for a Red Foot?

    Question: I just received my t5 uv strip light. I'd like to mount it under the mesh lid so I csn keep the foil I have in tact and in place to keep in moisture. I have a 20 gallon glass tank. Would mounting inside make the uv strip too close to my tortoise?
  11. itsameyoshi

    Hatchling rf not eating

    Oh, hi zeropilot! You're right. I noticed your user name on other responses but didn't even look this time. I have tried strawberry and mango. I even tried the leaves of the strawberry. I ordered Mazuri small tortoise diet LS for him since someone on here recommended it. It comes Monday. My...
  12. itsameyoshi

    Hatchling rf not eating

    The only thing remaining to fix is his UV. I've been using the coil bulb. I stopped completely 3 days ago when another user recommended that until I receive the uv tube light that's coming tomorrow. I have been letting him sun bathe outside in a secure cage so he's been getting direct sun since...
  13. itsameyoshi

    Hatchling rf not eating

    Ok 👍 I've tried romaine, kale, all berries, & mulberrific delite. I've had a couple of days where he ate really well imo, but 1 of those days I forced it by holding him in my lap with food until he ate. Once he took 1 bite he kept with it. I started putting baby food in his morning bath and...
  14. itsameyoshi

    Hatchling rf not eating

    I've improved my little guys tank drastically in the short time I've had him. Today marks the 5th day he hasn't eaten. Is that normal sometimes? I have been putting carrot baby food in his morning bath and letting him stay in it for like 2 hours in his tank, so where it's his favorite temp...I...
  15. itsameyoshi

    Rf baby not eating

    I forgot to mention I do have the underside of the mesh top completely covered with foil. The only space that isn't is right where the double coil is.thank you for the reply. There are a few food ideas you mentioned that I haven't tried yet, so I will.