Help please fto he has a bump on his cheek idk what to do


New Member
Dec 4, 2021
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I'm very relieved for you :) but also a little surprised since the symptoms seemed to fit with austwickia chelonae. But I assume the vet swabbed and tested the bumps. What did he say about the claws falling out?
I would still be very cautious when handling him, keep up with high levels of cleanliness and separate him away from other reptiles for a while just to be on the safe side and keep a close eye on him to make sure the bumps don't surface anywhere else.
Hopefully though all will be well, and I wish you and your baby a very Happy and healthy 2022!
Thank you so much and from what they told me its just from his climbing accidents which makes sense because he is a crazy climber the pet store told me if any more bumps appear or his abscess comes up again they will ve happy to take him back to the vet but right now we are happy and clear and @mastershake thank you for the offer if anything else comes up I’ll probably make the drive ill take more pictures once i get the opportunity Happy New Years everyone and once again thank you

Lyn W

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5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Thank you so much and from what they told me its just from his climbing accidents which makes sense because he is a crazy climber the pet store told me if any more bumps appear or his abscess comes up again they will ve happy to take him back to the vet but right now we are happy and clear and @mastershake thank you for the offer if anything else comes up I’ll probably make the drive ill take more pictures once i get the opportunity Happy New Years everyone and once again thank you
Mastershake is definitely your best bet of getting an accurate diagnosis so I would certainly accept his generous offer asap - he is the most experienced member in this area of tort health. My guess is the pet shop would probably just euthanise your tort without finding out what's wrong for sure :(- they wouldn't want the cost or bad publicity.
Anyway, I hope your tort will be fine, but keep up the precautions, just in case.
Happy New Year!


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5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 22, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Call me a pessimist but something seems off with this. I would be surprised if this little guy was actually seen by a vet at all. If it was, odds are the vet has no experience with Austwickia.

The pet store took it to the vet for you and relayed the results back? Seems suspicious to me. If a tissue sample was taken there would be a wound from that. It also seems unlikely that the vet could have gotten the results back so quickly, especially during the holidays.
Even at a heavily discounted rate, the vet visit, lab costs and medication would have cost the pet store at least 5-10x more money than they made selling you the tortoise and they are offering to do it again if more bumps appear?

What medication was prescribed?

As others have said, hope that it gets better but treat it as if it is infectious to protect your other reptiles.