Search results

  1. _The_Beast_

    Mazuri and Calcium Supplement?

    An acquaintance of mine is trying to transition their six month old Hermann to a more varied diet as they've only ever been fed mazuri. Amidst the hunger strikes this has resulted in, they're now rubbing mazuri into small chopped up amounts of new greens and weeds and starting to see good...
  2. _The_Beast_

    Tortoise Wheel: An Unexpected Success!

    When setting up my Russian hatchling habitat, I decided to experiment with adding a big wide wheel and... It has been an amazing success. Enclosure is currently a closed chamber vivarium, 4x2ft (going to build a larger multi level setup once hatchling is bigger), live plants, and all those happy...
  3. _The_Beast_

    Cloth Use During Bath?

    Question: is there any additional benefit to putting a wet cloth or wet paper towel over a tortoises shell while they're soaking in the bath? I don't currently do this, but have encountered it a few times online (mostly UK pages) and started wondering if it is just a fad or actually provides...
  4. _The_Beast_

    Best Way to Prevent More Pyramiding in Hatchling?

    After having a couple days to really look closely at my little russian's shell, I think he/she was started to dry and already has signs of pyramiding at three months of age (frustrating because they came from one of the three well recommended breeders in Canada). Beyond ensuring proper humidity...
  5. _The_Beast_

    Soon to be Tort Mom!

    Hello Everyone :) Long-time lurker, first time poster, and getting really excited to welcome a little russian/horsefield tortoise to our home in two weeks! He/she is coming from a captive breeder in Canada and will be 3 months old when they arrive. I've been researching on this forum for over a...