Tortoise not eating after hibernation


5 Year Member
Sep 17, 2017
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Hi my tortoise went into hibernation early December and I brought him out last Saturday. Sinse then I have tried feeding him his faviroute water cress, lambs lettuce, frisse lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes but non have proved a big hit. He is drinking and ive given him two baths sinse hes been out.He's eaten around what he would have eaten in a day before hibernation in 5 days now. He's my house on a tortoise table with the temperature around 20 degrees. The heat and uvb lamp is on for 10 hours a day though he's only out for a couple. He's walking through his food everyday but isn't too interested ib eating much of it. He is a 7 year old Marginated tortoise and this was his first hibernation so I'm not completely sure what to do. I'm weighing him everyday and he's held the same weight around 950 grams so I'm not super worried yet. Any one have any tips for getting him to eat?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2015
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20 celsius is really not warm enough , should be more like 28 , with a warmer basking area ...… takes a week or two being kept bright 12-14hours a day , warm and humid , like rain , to get back to normal …… i'd warm him up keep soaking him once twice a day , keep offering food , different stuff until he eats something …… the most weight a hibernating turtle looses is the first few weeks post hibernating ……..

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