Read ASAP ! Box turtle isn’t cared for

What should I do

  • Release Bob

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Convince them to keep Bob where he is

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Try to see if I can keep Bob in my house

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Sep 11, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Lexington SC
There is a box turtle that my step brother “rescued” from the wild. He found it one day and took it and kept it on a land that his dad owns. He named it Bob and isn’t taking care of it.
A little back story on my brother : he is my mom’s fiancé’s son. His dad bought him 2 sulcata tortoises just because he wanted them. He only wanted them because I said they were my favorite animal, which he knew nothing about them. One of which died because he didn’t UV light for the tortoise. But once again, his dad bought him another one to replace the one that died. He doesn’t take care of them and the only time they get care is when his dad feeds them.

Anyways, he captured this turtle a little over a month ago. The first week, he kept Bob in a water container. WATER, he kept a TERRESTRIAL turtle in water and it couldn’t get out. I told him about it (he claimed he knew all about his turtles) and he still didn’t do anything about it. It wasn’t until I told his dad that he was removed and put in some dirt (water was still available).
The same thing happened when I mentioned it needing sunlight. My brother didn’t do anything about it, but when I told his dad, he moved it out of the barn and into a spot that had sunlight and shade. Even my sister told him about needing UV rays and he said that “only tortoises need UV, not sea turtles” I’ll let you think about that.

When I first heard he got the turtle, I was telling him to return it where he had found it- but he didn’t. When he caught an anole lizard, I was able to convince him to release it. But he kept “Bob”.
But now, he wants to release it. It was only after I kept talking to him that convinced him to release it to where he found it instead of where he kept it now. But that was a over a month ago. Now I want to keep it, why? The turtle is already used to getting food without having to look for it and he doesn’t have any predators.

Today when i checked on bob, his legs were tangled in the long grass they gave him. His tub (they kept him in a storage bin) was full of ants and his water was pitch black- I wish I was exaggerating.
So I untangled his feet so he could move, I cleaned his water and using the fresh water, I rinced his shell that was covered it dirt, dust, and mud.

He is very calm for a wild animal (I think he is sick or depressed) and doesn’t move much- and I mean that compared to how much tortoises usually move. When I touched him, he didn’t really care and even let me pet his head. He even let me pick him up without a fight and let me derange him and clean him. I think he knew I was trying to help. Afterward, he moved a little more (I think maybe he didn’t move at all because he was stuck and tangled) and he was more open to me petting him.

I asked my mom if I could care for him (escpecially because of the hurricane coming and I live in SC) but she said he would be fine and that I don’t have room (I already adopted a few animals that needed a better home) and I have a small bedroom.

I over heard his dad telling my mom that they are going to release him in a pond that they have released to her turtles into (ummm, what?!). So now I’m just trying to convince my mom to let me care for the turtle, no one else does. I don’t know much about box turtles, but I know my fair share of knowledge about tortoises, turtles and reptiles in general which is more than anyone else in my family knows.

If y’all have any tips, information or advice, please let me know ASAP because the storm/hurricane is coming soon and they plan to release the turtle within the week.


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Feb 20, 2016
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That’s terrible! I would take the turtle, get it a bit healthier, and then release it. This is a wild animal that definitely needs to stay in the wild.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
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Lehigh Valley Pa
Box turtles DO like water, and they can swim, but they are not going to live IN a lake. (Maybe just at the waters edge. ) i think since you are in TX, it is ok to release him. He'll find his own way back home. I think he's better off in the wild than having your step brother kill him..


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
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Mid Atlantic
Release it where you found it I think it will be fine as long as permanent damage hasn’t already been done. .


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Nov 20, 2008
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I think he will do fine if your release it back to the wild. 1 month shouldn't be enough to make him not survive. He prob. still wants out and wants to go home.



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Jul 12, 2015
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If he is eating, peeing and pooping he will be ok to release. I don’t think 1 month of captivity, even with bad husbandry would cause him to be too sick to survive on his own in the wild.

Remember that it has only been a month, he will be able to quickly readjust to living free.

Ultimately, it is the right thing to do. I do understand your concern but think of it like this. They’re not hunters, they don’t need a lot of skill and experience to survive. Finding shelter is instinctual for them. He will be fine. It’s best to do it sooner rather than later, if his conditions aren’t good in captivity and he is kept like that for a longer period of time, he may get sick and readjusting to the wild will be harder for him.


New Member
Jan 21, 2019
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so sad. I think before they release it, you should take Bob from them, and monitor him for his heath, etc. I just feel like before you release him, he should get some of his strength back, I feel so sorry for the little guy- I agree with TechnoCheese, I guess- I can't believe they left him in water- my box turtle would be so miserable if I did that- he will take a warm bath and then get right out of the water- it sounds like you are loving and responsible, and I think Bob could use a little TLC right now ...IMG_2130.JPG

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