Pre-Buying Research

Your personal favourite of the listed small tortoises:

  • Hermann's

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Greek

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Russian

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Marginated

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2010
Alright, so my name's Nathan and I've been looking into getting a tortoise since the snow melted (that's May, for those of you who aren't familiar with Canadian climate). I've always wanted one but only this summer have I put serious thought and effort into the idea.

(A note: I've posted this in the Russian Tortoise section as it seems to be the most popular, but this applies to tortoises in general and especially the four listed in the next paragraph.)

Now, I've done research as is, and have come to the conclusion that my first tortoise should be something smaller (I've narrowed myself down to Greek, Hermann's, Russian and Marginated tortoises). In the future, I'd like something bigger, but that's the future and I'm going to start off "small."

Now, I will not buy until I feel that I have sufficient knowledge on basic care, as I do not want my first tortoise to have a tragic end. So a few questions to be put out here (and yes, I realize that there are plenty of threads of this sort already, but at the same time I'd rather have my questions answered directly to minimize perception issues).

Now first off, my climate: I live in Calgary. It's dry all year round. It gets relatively warm in the summer (we were in the low 30s C [that's 86F]) but also very cold in the winter (usually to around -30C or so [that's -22F]). I'm confident in a UVB light's ability to provide a suitable 90-95F basking area, but I've heard mixed reviews on the ideas of "night time heating pads" from various sites and sources, for some reason. Thoughts and comments on this? Also, back to humidity: it tends to be quite dry here. The mean humidity is around 60%, though it can be as low as 15% and as high as 100%. A few points on this: I know that young tortoises require good humidity for shell development, and I know that that humidity can be provided for them in terms of "cool" areas of a living space with moist soil, but any information to do with humidity and how it affects tortoises would be good to know.

Now would be a good time to introduce one of the better videos I've found on making good tortoise enclosures. I'm sure that it's not a new one to this crowd, but she seems to know what she's talking about and would like your opinions as well on how she's got this living space set out:
I would definitely invest in humidity readers and thermometers as necessary as well.

Now (I just realized that I start every subsequent paragraph with the word "now." This annoys me and thus, I shall stop.) I want to put out that I'd rather raise a tortoise from a young age myself. I've heard tell that this is more difficult than it seems but at the same time, I'm the type of guy that starts from the beginning and works all the way to the end so buying a juvenile or adult tortoise feels to me almost like it's taking the easy way out. Not saying that that's my opinion to anyone who differs from it, but I intend to buy young. If there is a specific thread intended for this, then please direct me! Or other off-hand tips are appreciated as well.

Also (see that? I didn't start this one with "now!") I don't intend to buy from a pet store, though I'd rather not buy off of Craigslist or Kijiji either. If possible, I'll want to order from a site like or Reviews of these sites? Suggestions for alternatives? If I have to, I'll try to find an independent breeder, but if these sites come as well renowned, then I'll be more than happy buying from them.

Thanks in advance for any references or info that is offered! I look forward to seeing replies!

- Nathan


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5 Year Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Hi Nathan, I am so happy to see someone do their research first. The video is great, I am a big fan of the tree storage box to start with. There is some great breeders here on the forum and they do ship. Do you have a place outside that your tort can get some sun? The UVB lights are great but I think the real thing is best and fresh air. I can't really comment on the breeds that you are considering because I only have sulcatas. Yes you are correct hatchlings can be quite the challenge and some do not make it know matter how well they are taken care of, but I don't blame you for wanting one :) Humidity is very important in smooth shell growth and it can be done. Daily soaks, and misting with a spray bottle is great. Keeping a humid side is a must. You can put a sponge on the roof of the hide and keep it damp and add moss to the hide. Temps very per breed so someone else can give advise on that. You should check the temp often as they can't digest food properly at the wrong temps and it can be a factor in shell growth. Good luck and I look forward to seeing pics of the lucky tort that you choose.


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5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2010
Thanks, Missy! As for outside, during the summer, I will definitely be able to keep any tortoises outside for the most-part. It gets nice and hot but that'd really only be for about two months max (the nights stay pretty cool before and after the solstice). Being this far north, they would be mostly indoor tortoises. Of course, I do have a few large windows which they'd be able to be by and get sunlight that way. Thanks for all your tips! (PS, how big are your Sulcatas? We've got one named Zi at the zoo! [At which I work.])


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5 Year Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Tank is 2yrs old and about 3lbs. I just picked Lana up a week ago she is a rescue she is I would guess 6-8yrs old and about 15lbs.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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I live in california, what's snow?
Seriously you may not be able to buy off of one of those websites because since you live in canada I believe they will need permits. So CL kiiji or a pet store may be one of the few options open to you, I don't know of any breeders in canada, best of luck in your search. BTW I voted russian I have 3 of them.
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