Giant Asian water turtle care (Heosemys Grandis)

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Jan 10, 2017
So today a turtle turned up at my home and it is a Heosemys Grandis as identified by another member.

I'm reading rather conflicting things on the internet such as whether to keep it dry or wet (difficult to do both at the moment as I will have to make provisions for its enclosure in the next few days)

Also, it doesn't seem to be eating and is extremely shy and will retreat into its shell when approached. What can I do about this?

Any info about its care is appreciated!


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Heosemys grandis is a robust turtle species when healthy and acclimated. They are full of personality too.
Depending on how large your turtle is now, I would recommend keeping it in a shallow water situation for the time being. Once he/she calms down and begins feeding you can assess the future plans for it. Of course, you'll want to keep it somewhat warm considering that it's winter now.
A bit more info would be helpful such as: how did you acquire it? Where are you located? How large is it?, etc.


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Yep pretty much what Carl said! Be prepared they grow quite rapid and obtain a healthy large size. I started 3 neonates in a 250 gallon tub then about 4onths later had to put them in a pond outside. They are almost 1 1/2 years old now and about 10". They don't really care for substrate or land areas. They do love to bask and hang out on branches or driftwood though. Mazuri turtle pellets, fruits, full leaf greens with stock and water hyacinth is pretty much the diet they get here.


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Yours is a beautiful animal.
If you can't find the original owner, and you don't you have space, time and money to properly care for the turtle, I would release it as soon as possible while it's still strong, find a suitable habitat outside the city away from people.

Giant Asian pond turtle habitat
The giant Asian pond turtle inhabits a range of freshwater habitats, including rivers, streams, lakes, swamps and marshes, from sea level up to hilly areas, However, the giant Asian pond turtle is not restricted to water, and can also be found partially hidden under vegetation on land.


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Aug 8, 2022
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I work for a municipal animal shelter and we recently had a seizure of 36 turtles. We have 3 Grandis left, and being in a place where it gets really cold during the winter, I am concerned about adopting them out. I am looking for any advice on where we could transfer them - preferably somewhere more like their native habitat - in the southeast or south or if there is a good way to do adoption counseling around this so we can do the best to ensure proper care.


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Dredging up a old post but I recently got two Grandis myself and man, these things are seriously the least picky turtles I've ever own. There isn't anything they will not chow down on. Kinda of fun really because it's much simpler to offer a diverse diet to your guys when they aren't discriminating lol.
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