Finding Food Options for Picky Eater (TX)


New Member
May 1, 2015
I have a Russian that my neighbors chucked over their back fence long ago when I lived in CA. I've had him for roughly 8 years now and he was likely a juvenile when I got him (he was very small but also underdeveloped due to improper care). He is an EXTREMELY picky eater. His go tos are dandelions (only the flowers), red (and only red) hibiscus flowers, Belgian Endive, occasionally Kale, and rare other leafy greens. After my father passed and I had to move him to TX with me things have been very different. He had to be indoors only for a long time as I was living in an apt, I built an enclosure (6'×4') and kept it under the window so he still got natural light. He hated being inside only and I'd let him roam the house with the cats (everyone loves the tortoise in my household and are very protective over him) as much as possible but it wasn't the same. When I moved into my house I built a daytime enclosure for him to be outside on nice days but then winter hit and he hibernated (this is the first time he hibernated since I've owned him) he woke from it with a URI which we treated with baytril injections (there is no medicating him orally). The URI has resolved, his beak is filed recently so it's not impeding eating but he doesn't want to eat anything I put in front of him and really doesn't want to get up and move around. Medically he checks out ok at this point. But he needs to eat (it's been about 3 months since he really last ate. 2 of which he was hibernating.

Help! Finding a diversity of foods that are ok for him has become more difficult since being in TX. I live in Central Texas (near fort hood) and need help with other things to feed him and where to find them. He actually got bit by my neighbors dog yesterday (who broke into my yard and into my cat/tortoise enclosure to get him) so I'd like to entice appetite more than ever now with him needing to heal (wounds aren't bad but he does have 2 shell punctures).
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The meds will make them not want to eat. Tortoises can go a long time without eating. Do keep him hydrated, that is important. Maybe in those soaks, use some piedialyte and some baby food carrot to see if that will entice him to eat. Also try squeezing some strawberry, tomato or any other favorite food he might have had onto some greens.
Check out the or something like that for tort safe foods


New Member
May 1, 2015
Yes since he's been awake we've gone back to soaking twice a week. He hates them, but always has. I will try the pedialyte as long as my Dr says it's ok since he does have the shell wounds. I will also try some of the baby food. He has once eaten strawberry before but is turning his nose up at his favorites (dandelion and hibiscus flowers) which is what has me most concerned as I even went and bought him a hibiscus bush and he's wanted nothing off of it.

Yvonne G

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I doubt that eating is his problem. He has something else going on that's making him not eat.

Because he can't tell you what's bothering him, all we can do is try different things to try to figure it out. He's outside now, right? And the weather is warm. So temperature probably isn't what's wrong. That's usually what makes a tortoise stop eating. Ok, so buy some Gerber strained carrots or squash. Put about a half a jar into a small tub with tall sides (that he can't climb out of) and add enough warm water to make it come up to the middle of his sides. Leave him soaking in this mixture for at least a half hour. If he poops, take the sample to the vet to check for parasites.

You may have to bring him indoors and set him up in a small hospital tank that you can monitor the temperature. Make it be about 85F degrees in there. Soak him every day, offer food (leafy greens) every day and hope for the best. You may even consider a vet visit.


New Member
May 1, 2015
He is currently inside, he went out for the first time for that day that the dog got him, he's been set up temporarily in a large bin with his temps controlled he has been buried and hasn't come out so I was leaving him be. I have always soaked him once to twice a week since I've had him. I did a fecal when I first moved him here and it was negative and he had one when he first started moving around some and had his URI. I've even done x-rays to rule out stones and to verify he is a he and wasn't egg bound.

The doctor that I work with that sees exotics isn't as concerned with the not eating now that the URI is under control. I've also consulted a couple other DVMs that do exotics in my area but only via text and they've both told me Just keep offering variety. My bigger issue was finding things in this area that were ok to feed him. I've got a decent list of things I can purchase in the organic section of my grocery store as of now and will be going when I get off work in the morning.
I've been weighing him once a week and he had lost weight during his 'hibernation' but hasn't lost any additional since then. But I will definitely try the baby food in the water and see if I can get him stimulated that way and increase his soaks to daily :) I just have to be a little careful of him splashing around with his shell punctures and keeping those clean/dry.


New Member
May 1, 2015
He's eating!!!!! He's eaten a little bit here and there for the last 3 days but nothing significant, but tonight he is CHOWING down! I did a happy dance and my vet will be thrilled to hear when he gets my text! Still hasn't pooped but he really hasn't eaten in about 3 months so I'm hopeful that in tomorrow or Saturdays soak he will poop! Thank you all for your suggestions! Now just to get his shell to heal so we can get him back to his larger and outdoor enclosures!


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