Ferret attack

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Sep 12, 2010
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Rawlins, Wyoming
Bless your heart, Yvonne, for trying to work with that ferret. I have a strong preference for gentle animals that don't bite at all, ever. I hope you'll heal up quickly.


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Aug 30, 2010
bikerchicspain said:
samclau07 said:
bikerchicspain said:
Don't know why she hit him, I was more concerned about getting him of my hand and getting it seen too

I rarely post on this forum, but read nearly all the posts. This thread is a little mind boggling for me, so I couldn't resist responding.

First off, I'm very sorry you were hurt, and I wish you a speedy recovery.

However, this woman hit the ferret and then you let her take him to live with her?! And yet in your signature you advocate for harsher punishments for animal cruelty? Isn't hitting an animal cruelty? But you still think she is the right person to care for this ferret? Seems slightly hypocritical.
If you was being attacked by an animal the last thing you are thinking about is
why the person hit him in the first place,:(
I am not talking one bite, I am talking about several bites, serious enough for an
ambulance to be called, so I'm sorry if I didn't hang around to take the ferret of
her, or get her telephone number.:rolleyes:
Hypothetically! If you was in a park and someone hit a pit bull and the dog turned
on the nearest person, the nearest being you! Whilst the animal is tearing into
you skin would you stop and say that guy should not take that animal home! Or
would you be more concerned about your own safety?

Ferret wasn't concerned about being cruel to my hand,:D
It would of been easier and less painful for me to kill the animal, while he was biting, but I didnt, I was calm, until I saw the damage.

Maybe I misunderstood the original post. It sounded like you had the ferret and were adopting him out to this lady. If that is the case, I still don't understand why you would let her keep him after she hit him. Similarly, I don't understand how you wouldn't have your contact information. If she was adopting him, was the adoption finalized before/after the attack or did she steal the ferret? If I misunderstood the post, then I apologize.

Again, I am sorry you were injured, and I do understand needing to protect yourself. But it seems to me that you are now safe and recovering and it's troublesome that you aren't concerned about the animal's well-being since he is now being homed by someone who hit him.


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I would agree with Sam, but she may not have given us all the details, which I am very curios about. Also she my still by on meds and not thinking clearly. I know my brain doesn't work well on pain killers.
Yvonne when you are feeling up to it several of us are very curios about the crazy and awful event you suffered through.


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Apr 14, 2009
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Ok this is what happened,
I was brought the ferret 2 weeks befor hand by someone that had the animal caged for 4 years, taking into account that the average age of a ferret is 6, so I took it in and worked with him for 2 weeks solid, he was fine at being handled, but we were working on the provoked attack, basically I provoke him to see if he bites, if he does then he gets held by the scruff of the neck until the submissive yawn ( Tom u know what I mean) so it's basically teaching him that even provoked it is still wrong to bite,

I have been looking for a home for him with someone that has had ferrets before and knows how to educate them.

I asked her all the right questions, and she gave me all the right answers.
Satisfied with what she was saying we proceeded to the Till, she asked me to put his harness on, then we were going to do the relevant stuff like leave your name and number etc,

But when I was putting the harness on he did something and she smacked him on the nose with a couple of fingers,of which he didn't take to kindly to,

So he latched onto the first thing, my hand, when he realized it was me he tried to let go,
But because my hand swelled with blood so quickly he couldn't let go, so he was panicking,so his instinct was to keep biting, in the end we had to wait for his top teeth to bite into me again then hold his nose down so he couldn't get his top teeth out of my hand, making it possible to prize out his bottom teeth, then let go of his nose so he could release with his top teeth.

When this happened there was blood everywhere, his face was covered and so was I,
I went straight to the vets and asked for help, where I slumped on the floor in shock whilst having a panic attack,
My hand was black from it swelling with blood and my nails were going blue, that's when the vets called for an ambulance,

Nobody got the details of the woman as they thought I had already got them, I am not sure if she has been back to see how I am as I am on sick leave due to swollen tendons, muscle damage and today my fingers started to go blue so I went to the ER
and I have nerve damage.

Believe me whilst in the ER I was only thinking of chuki (ferret), hoping he was ok.

Counted the bites and I have 29 puncture wounds....

If I could get chuki back I would in a flash, he was fine with me and we connected, he use to love his little walks and his tins of food, hopefully the woman will come in to get him vaccinated so I will be able to check on him...


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Well, it's good that you are okay Yvonne and things happen in a crisis situations and in all the excitement the most important thing is the health of the injured person. Hopefully the lady will come back in to get the vaccinations and you can see how the ferret is doing and collect all the information that was not collected...


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Update on chuki the ferret,
The owners brought him in tonight and is doing very well,
I was able to handle him and play, and he never tried to nip let alone bite,
So know I feel a lot happier..:D


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Sep 12, 2010
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Rawlins, Wyoming
bikerchicspain said:
Update on chuki the ferret,
The owners brought him in tonight and is doing very well,
I was able to handle him and play, and he never tried to nip let alone bite,
So know I feel a lot happier..:D

That is good to hear! I'm so glad they brought him in to see you, and that you could have some positive interaction with him:)


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That should put your mind to rest that you did the right thing letting them take him. Also now you have had a positive time with him which is good for you also on several levels. Now to make this a really good and happy ending, how are the bites healing?


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Oh they are fine, hand is still bruised, but that may be due to the fact that I got bit by a snake on Thursday on the same hand and in the same spot...

Whenever I go home with a plaster or bandage my kids always ask what animal has bitten me,:D

Squirtle Time

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Apr 13, 2011
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Ouch I hope that you are ok. I'm glad that you were able to make Chuki more comfortable with you and that you didn't blame him. That is really gracious of you.


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Apr 14, 2009
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I believe that there are no such thing as a nasty animal,

Animals that are nasty are like that for a reason, domestic animals being mis treated, an aggressive owner, a owner trying to teach a dog to attack with no experience of training,etc, etc

Wild animals because it's kill or be killed, let's face it, if a stranger walks into my house I would be on the defensive as well,

But at least chuki will have his last couple of years in a loving home where he runs all around the house,
Oh! And he hates going in his cage, can't blame him....
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