Eastern box turtle

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Aug 21, 2007
Does any one know any thing about Eastern's. I have a baby, about 6 months old and he does not seem to eat very much and this has me concerned. His favorite thing to eat is honey dew, I researched what they are supposed to eat and every thing I read said that they are supposed to eat slugs,snails, worms veggies and some fruit but he does not eat hardly at all. Please help.


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RE: Eastern box toretoise

Hi Tortmom. Eastern box turtles (EBT) like high humidity like 80% and warm. Have you given him a worm? They usually do only eat live moving things at this age...hmm
Can you get a pic up of your enclosure and the baby?
I used to keep boxies.


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Aug 21, 2007
RE: Eastern box toretoise

I can take pics. but I do not know how to post them, can you give me some help in that dept? I have tried worms and he does seem more interested in them then the fruit and veggies I have given him. Thank you.


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RE: Eastern box toretoise

tortmom, you can upload the pictures from your camera to http://tinypic.com then post the URL for the photo


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RE: Eastern box toretoise

He should be wanting a worm every day to every other day. You can dust the worms for vitiamins if you want. As babies they tend to be more stricty bugs. Rolly pollies, butter worms, leaf worms and night crawlers, crickets (with their legs gone )
Do you have UVB? UVB bulbs shine a different light that makes the food look more tasty.
Always try changing it up so he/she doesnt become a picky eater. Some times you have to play tough love to get them to eat more healthy.
I hope you get pics up...Id love to see the little bugger.
Whats his name?:)


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RE: Eastern box toretoise

I don't have eastern's but I have many other types of boxies. So here goes the questions. First how long have you had the little guy? Next where do you house him tort table, aquarium, rubbermaid tub? Next what is the temps in the enclosure the basking end should be 85 to 90 degrees and the cool end should be 10 degrees cooler, and at night nothing as long as the temps do not go below 70 degrees. Humidity around 70 to 75% humidity - mist it daily you want it wet but not soaking. What type of lighting are you using?? What type of substrate are you using?

edit: Is he eating anything?? If so what and how much

Let me know and I will see if I can help.


RE: Eastern box toretoise

Hi! I have an Eastern Box Turt and I've gone through this with her- she was HBC and amputated- I adopted her after all of this and as an adult turtle I found she was very sensitive to change. I found that creating a routine with her works best- I soak her every day (in the AM) in lukewarm filtered water (this is not only supposed to increase her metabolism, but help her leg heal) I feed her right after this- as a wild turtle she really only wants things that move- so...I usually offer her a variety of veggies (very fresh tomatoes work best with her) and later I will offer her mealworms, etc. This way she doesn't fill up on protein. I also use a vitamin supp[/align]lement- good luck- they're stubborn!!


RE: Eastern box toretoise

I had 2 EBT's (bright red and yellow specks?). I made their enclosure under a lemon tree and kept the soil really saturated and moist. They loved to burrow into the mud. I fed them all kinds of junk. They'll eat anything. Kinda funny. They liked hardboiled eggs. The yoke is kinda bad for them so i usually tossed it out.
Snails are a big favorite. Just be certain that they have not been poisoned.
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