Do you believe in ghosts?

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Sep 10, 2012
wellington said:
Ya, my husbands mothers a witch, hahahaha LOL. Oh, your not talking about the same kind so witch. :D


dmmj said:
The chupacabra is not a ghost, it is an alien pet that space aliens left behind for some reason long long ago.

You are absolutely correct.

Laurie said:
There were a lot of different things that my family experienced in the house I grew up in. We never saw anybody but, you could certainly hear footsteps, the kitchen chairs moving on the floor, sometimes voices (not me, my brother). I'd also get that "feeling" like someone is watching you, it would be bad enough that I would be scared to turn around and look down the hallway.

The stuff that happened when I was very young, who knows, I was a little kid. I can share one experience I remember clearly, I was 17 years old. Our house was on a residential street but there was an office building parking lot on the other side of the street. A big parking lot, took up the whole length of the block, so one side houses , the other side parking lot, there were always cars around so it was easy to miss my parents/siblings car. I got home from school around 3:30 and assumed nobody was home. The house was a two family house, my parents owned. We lived downstairs and they rented a three bedroom apt upstairs. The tenants had moved out and my mother was in the process of painting/cleaning the apt for new renters.

So I get home around 330 and went into the kitchen to make a sandwich or something, I could hear someone walking upstairs. I figured my mom was up there, so I went into the hallway and looked up the stairs. The door was open, I called for my mother and didn't get a response. I though maybe I didn't hear anyone after all. I went back to our kitchen and again I hear someone upstairs, this time I'm positive! So out in the hallway, upstairs I go, I thought maybe she was in the back bedroom and couldn't hear me calling her. I go all the way into the apartment, walked through all three bedrooms, living room, one. Now, I'm getting a little spooked, but I was used to it. I closed the door and went back downstairs. Once I was down there, I could freaking hear steps again, I go out to the hallway, look up the stairs and the door is open!! I knew I had just closed it, I grabbed my car keys and left. I couldn't even bring myself to turn around and look up at the house from the street.

Obviously I can't say for sure what happened, but I have never felt that uneasy in a house after that, I still have dreams that I'm there.

PFFT. I didn't need to sleep tonight anyways.

Terry Allan Hall

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mctlong said:
emysemys said:
...and, the way we celebrate "Easter" is not a Christian holiday.

Or Christmas for that matter - I don't recall reading about Christmas trees and candy canes in the bible....

True...and, like Christmas, about 95% based on The Old Religeon, but we don't mind sharing with y'all. :cool:

It's all good.


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First off the chupacabra is my dog ozzie.. He sneaks out at night and terrorizes people.. well that puts an end to that mystery :D

Honestly I can't believe I didn't see this thread before. I love the paranormal stuff but am scared of it at the same time. I have a lot of questions about people who have passed so I would love to talk to you Watsonpartyof4 to see if you can fill in any gaps for me.

I have always believed to an extent. By that I mean, it interests me and I have had experiences but I think I block everything now because of my fear. I have a bit of an odd story (probably accounts for my personality), but my dad died while my mom was pregnant. His body was missing for some time and he was classified as missing. During that time both his family and my moms family reported people saying they saw him (oddly near where his body was found), and getting calls with no one on the other end. My moms family said that after he died strange things happened in the house. After his body was found all of that stopped. I remember vaguely seeing and feeling weird things in that house. I think there was a ghost dog in the basement too. Vividly I remember waking up one night as a kid and seeing Jesus sitting on my bed. I wasn't scared though, well I was sure it was Jesus (he had long hair.. what other man than Jesus has long hair??) so.. you have that. About a year later I saw a picture of my dad, who had long hair and recognized him as the guy sitting on my bed. It's all very weird in a young head.

When I had a family member die, I had some weird experiences in my own house for a while too. I was very tortured by my loss and I wasn't ready to see anything. My house was too new to have any spirits in it though so I wondered if it was my family??

I love watching paranormal witness, and I really love the dead files but I am terrified to see anything on my own. I don't know why.


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Oct 9, 2012
Utah Lynn said:
I sure don't. Dead is Dead. However, I watch the paranormal stuff, for entertainment, after I've run out of re-runs to watch. My inquiring mind would like to know, Why is abnormal stuff only seen in the dark or in a very blurry film?

I've had weird experiences in the daylight/daytime. I think it's just that people become more paranoid at night and expect it.

emysemys said:
Well, I believe in the soul, and an energy after death. I just hope to high heaven I never see a manifestation. I don't want to and so I don't (hopefully!).

I love watching the show, "Long Island Medium." I don't think she's a crack pot at all.

My Grandmother went to see her once before she became all famous. It was a few years after my Aunt(her daughter) passed. My Grandmother has just moved to an apartment and she collected dolls. They were all in her bedroom. There were so many it was incredible. Anyway, the Medium told her my aunt was standing in a room full of porcelain. My aunt had never seen my grandmothers apartment so that's pretty weird. I think she's the real deal.

Watsonpartyof4 said:
I am what you would call a ghost whisperer. My aunt and my grandmother also had the gift. I see spirits all of the time. I still get scared, I don't know why. I have a hard time at funerals because a lot of the time they are there and so are a lot of others. There was an estate sale I went to recently, and I could hardly go into the house. The man died there sitting in his recliner watching tv. He told me he wasn't found for 4 days. His grown daughter was there also she had downs and had died in 2007 from heart issues. She did not like everyone going thru the house and dint want her beloved toys and things sold. I couldn't buy anything, it just made me uneasy. I asked the lady running the sale what she knew about the house, she didn't know anything other than the person had died. I told her what I knew and she asked me if I knew the family. I said no,but the gentleman is standing next to you. She got a little angry with me so I left. I went back the next day, because I couldn't get them out of my head. The lady running the sale came up to me and told me she confirmed everything I said with the man's nephew. She said when they were preparing for the sale, the would hear foots steps and someone running upstairs. Everyone was really spooked to be in the house. I told hear the girl doesn't want to leave, this was her home and I don't know how to get her to go. The man wasn't going to leave without his daughter. The wife passed away in 2002, I didn't feel her presence at all. The weird thing is when I see spirits, they are as solid looking as you or I, except they don't have any solid legs past the knees. I don't know why that is. It just is.

Is it possible for a ghost to live through a living person? Because sometimes I swear my Aunt takes me over to talk to my mom. There will be times when I black out and come back to my mom looking at me like I'm some marvelous creature because I've said something only they would know about. Or I looked just like her for a second. I don't understand it.


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I really try not to think about paranormal activity. I've had some strange things occur, but nothing that's led me to believe 100%, and I would rather keep it that way. This was an interesting read, even though I am in my room completely alone.


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Jun 12, 2012
I rarely talk about it, because it makes me seem crazy. But I can tell where they are. When I was little I couldn't often see them but I knew, I'm going blind, but the blinder I get the clearer they become. It's almost better being able to see them instead of just knowing.
There's ones feller who lives in the downstairs hallway, whom I pass every night. During the day he's in the pantry for room B. He's a bit of a a**. He only comes out after dusk, and likes lunging out and surprising people. He's more of a traditional ghost, he's a little less then 6 feet and made of ragtag shadow bits. He can't come into bright light, but He likes to make tea with me late at night, he skirts around in the shadows, but he doesn't talk. He seems to be confined to the lower hall way and the kitchen. But he did spend Thanksgiving weekend tormenting the hell out of the one girl who didn't go visit family, we came back and she had left all the lights on every night and all day. He was really angry for a week after that.

Sometimes I can tell when something has died, or when someone hasn't. Or tell if something terrible could potentially happen and avert it, it has only happened once, but it saved a life.

I can't define them as "ghosts" because they all appear differently. Some are like hallway ghost and some are more like people.


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BowandWalter said:
I rarely talk about it, because it makes me seem crazy. But I can tell where they are. When I was little I couldn't often see them but I knew, I'm going blind, but the blinder I get the clearer they become. It's almost better being able to see them instead of just knowing.
There's ones feller who lives in the downstairs hallway, whom I pass every night. During the day he's in the pantry for room B. He's a bit of a a**. He only comes out after dusk, and likes lunging out and surprising people. He's more of a traditional ghost, he's a little less then 6 feet and made of ragtag shadow bits. He can't come into bright light, but He likes to make tea with me late at night, he skirts around in the shadows, but he doesn't talk. He seems to be confined to the lower hall way and the kitchen. But he did spend Thanksgiving weekend tormenting the hell out of the one girl who didn't go visit family, we came back and she had left all the lights on every night and all day. He was really angry for a week after that.

Sometimes I can tell when something has died, or when someone hasn't. Or tell if something terrible could potentially happen and avert it, it has only happened once, but it saved a life.

I can't define them as "ghosts" because they all appear differently. Some are like hallway ghost and some are more like people.

This scares me. I have an eye surgery every year or so because I have vision problems that could lead to blindness (hopefully not since I have a great surgeon). I never ever thought that seeing ghosts would be a side effect. Eek.. :p


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Jun 12, 2012
Kerryann said:
This scares me. I have an eye surgery every year or so because I have vision problems that could lead to blindness (hopefully not since I have a great surgeon). I never ever thought that seeing ghosts would be a side effect. Eek.. :p

Haha, probably not a problem. My uncle is blind and he doesn't seem to notice.


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From Steeew: "My Grandmother went to see her once before she became all famous. It was a few years after my Aunt(her daughter) passed. My Grandmother has just moved to an apartment and she collected dolls. They were all in her bedroom. There were so many it was incredible. Anyway, the Medium told her my aunt was standing in a room full of porcelain. My aunt had never seen my grandmothers apartment so that's pretty weird. I think she's the real deal."

Magic stores have books of how to be a fake psychic, and one of the tricks is called 'cold reading', which is all about making educated guesses and careful wording. In this case, telling an older woman that she is in a room surrounded by porcelain is not a difficult guess as women of that age and era would almost always have fine china displayed in a kitchen or dining room. Phrasing it in an open way- 'a room full of' rather than 'a kitchen full of', and 'porcelain' instead of 'bone china' just makes it easier to hit something.

Another thing that is really interesting, and almost always edited out of TV shows, is that the 'hit' ratio of things that seem right is pretty low, but when there is a hit, the faker... er, I mean, psychic will build on it and amplify it so you forget all of the misses.


As for ghosts... I used to believe in that sort of thing. I avidly studied up on aliens, ghosts, etc. but over time, I have become rather a skeptic on them and other phenomena. I am willing to believe, but all we have are eyewitness accounts with no physical proof or independent collaboration, or really questionable photos and recordings. I went to a really interesting presentation of the local ghost group and was really fascinated by their processes and tools, but absolutely underwhelmed by what they claimed as proof.

Their best stuff was EVP- Electronic Voice Phenomena- the presence of voices in white noise, etc. From what I have seen and heard, this is little more than the human tendency to recognize a pattern where none really occurs, like images in clouds, visions of Mary in stains, and the man on the moon. The comment about how many hours they have to listen to in order to find one good response immediately suggested that it was not statistically significant.

They demonstrated one that they claimed was answering their questions, but the responses are not very convincing- you have to assume odd word choices, ignore long and inconvenient pauses, etc. and even then, I often did not hear for myself what they are claiming to have heard in the audio version of a Rorschach ink blot test.

I have had my own experiences, but they were not convincing, or at least, were too easy to explain away with basic psychology and human senses. I have heard stories from a lot of other people, but have no reason to believe that they were anything that was really real rather than the same sorts of glitches we are all prone to.


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I was just talking to a friend about this thread last week. Her friend has been having issues with another presence in her house. On one occasion the 11 year old son was pushed down the stairs, other times "allegedly" her husband gets extremely violent and hits her (allegedly the spirits make him do it), they have had a brand new tv crack right through the screen when no one was around...and other things fall and break constantly. I don't know how they still live there! I would run out screaming! It's a newer house so it's not previous inhabitants. They had a medium come in and she said there were more than 9 spirits there. Many of whom were very dark...some children. Once the home owner actually saw a little girl sitting on her bed! She claims to have a picture of this...I haven't seen it though. If I wasn't so scared I would ask to go over there...


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Jun 17, 2012
LuckysGirl007 said:
I was just talking to a friend about this thread last week. Her friend has been having issues with another presence in her house. On one occasion the 11 year old son was pushed down the stairs, other times "allegedly" her husband gets extremely violent and hits her (allegedly the spirits make him do it), they have had a brand new tv crack right through the screen when no one was around...and other things fall and break constantly. I don't know how they still live there! I would run out screaming! It's a newer house so it's not previous inhabitants. They had a medium come in and she said there were more than 9 spirits there. Many of whom were very dark...some children. Once the home owner actually saw a little girl sitting on her bed! She claims to have a picture of this...I haven't seen it though. If I wasn't so scared I would ask to go over there...

Did the medium do a cleansing? I would try that and see if it doesn't help.


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Watsonpartyof4 said:
Did the medium do a cleansing? I would try that and see if it doesn't help.

Idk. They have gone through their house with sage and stuff. But I think she more just told them what type of spirits were there and how many? Then after she left everything got WAY worse. Supposedly the guys from "Ghost Hunters" are coming out but she has no idea when. I don't know where they found the medium out so I don't know if she was the real deal or not either though. I gave them the link to this thread and as to some websites I got from this thread. Don't know if they have read it yet or of last night they had not.


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Jun 17, 2012
LuckysGirl007 said:
Idk. They have gone through their house with sage and stuff. But I think she more just told them what type of spirits were there and how many? Then after she left everything got WAY worse. Supposedly the guys from "Ghost Hunters" are coming out but she has no idea when. I don't know where they found the medium out so I don't know if she was the real deal or not either though. I gave them the link to this thread and as to some websites I got from this thread. Don't know if they have read it yet or of last night they had not.

We had to leave a house because of the couple who had pasted on wouldn't leave and she became increasingly violent with me. I just couldn't take it! If the cleansing wasn't done properly and throughly, that can make things worse. I think if I was her I would move!


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Watsonpartyof4 said:
We had to leave a house because of the couple who had pasted on wouldn't leave and she became increasingly violent with me. I just couldn't take it! If the cleansing wasn't done properly and throughly, that can make things worse. I think if I was her I would move!

I was telling my friend specifically about your story! That's why I really recommended this thread for them to read. My suggestion was move also! I just doubt that's an option now. It's in one of the really expensive areas and housing prices here (while improving) are not very good.

Did you ever hear of the new owners of the house you left having problems?


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Jun 17, 2012
LuckysGirl007 said:
I was telling my friend specifically about your story! That's why I really recommended this thread for them to read. My suggestion was move also! I just doubt that's an option now. It's in one of the really expensive areas and housing prices here (while improving) are not very good.

Did you ever hear of the new owners of the house you left having problems?

No ... Before they moved in they gutted the bathroom and kitchen, such a shame too. The bathroom had a beautiful claw foot tub. And the kitchen had this amazing farmhouse sink and the old latch style cabinets. They redid it all. They put in new windows and put siding on the house also. I don't want to go near the house, I try not to even look at it when I pass by!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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I don't know being a ghost sounds kind of sad, instead of going to whatever heavenly reward you believe in, you are stuck here, doing what? becoming a peeping tom?


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I think that they exist on so e other plain or something. Although the are among us they are in their own world also. Perhaps "heaven" really is on Earth and not upon the clouds somewhere.


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Jun 17, 2012
dmmj said:
I don't know being a ghost sounds kind of sad, instead of going to whatever heavenly reward you believe in, you are stuck here, doing what? becoming a peeping tom?

For some reason, some get stuck here, they don't want to let go of this life. I believe "heaven" if you want to call the other side that is on another plane only a few feet above this plane. I think sometimes if you see spirits and they don't seem to react to you, and you see them around the sametime every night doing the same thing it is like a record stuck in a groove, then there are spirits that are stuck here, and spirits that like to visit. I believe time on the other side is much faster than time here.

This is a photo where we captured a spirit in the background on the right hand side. These where cast photos from a show that was performed in a one room school house. The spirit told me her name is Gertrude Smith and she was a teacher. I did research and found out she was the last teacher to teach there before the theater took over the building in 1951!

I am looking for other spirit photos.


If you look you can see she looks to be standing on the arm of one of the seats. That long thing is a fire extinguisher, that is mounted very high on the wall.
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