A 'Must Have' book...

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Jan 10, 2008
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I just received my copy of South American Tortoises, Vinke and Vetter, Chimaira press (available Zoobook Sales, US). It is nothing short of fantastic as all of this series has been.

This book addresses everything you could possibly ask concering Redfoots, Yellowfoots and Chacos. It was written by not only H. and S. Vetter but by S. and T. Vinke who currently live in Paraguay and have a deep passion for chelonians with a special interest in SA chelonians. It's mind boggling considering the information that is presented in this one book and it will surely be the number one reference in any discussion on these 3 species.

The natural history notes are probably the best available as of date.



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Curse you EJ! Now I have to add another book to my too-long wish list! You couldn't have recommended a nice $10 book, could you? :)

Yvonne G

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The closest I can find at Zoo Books is "Turtles of the World, Vol 3" but it only says its by Volger. Same book?


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I can do that... but this book is why I'm so intimidated to submit anything to any german publication... those guys can really write. I don't get excited about books too often and I buy about $500 worth a month... this is really good if you are into Redfoots, Yellowfoots or chacos.

Madkins007 said:
Curse you EJ! Now I have to add another book to my too-long wish list! You couldn't have recommended a nice $10 book, could you? :)


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Make sure you are searching author Yvonne and it's Vetter. :D



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Sabine Vinke is the leading author even though it was both couples that share credit.

I'll get a link to Zoo Book Sales for the book. It doesn't seem to be listed in the catalog.

egyptiandan said:
Make sure you are searching author Yvonne and it's Vetter. :D



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Jul 18, 2008
-EJ said:

We ALWAYS appreciate a book recommendation. Thanks, Ed. And you are probably your worst critic about your writing. We think you are a great writer! Submit something! You'll never know until you do.

True that German publications are top-notch. When I (Robin) was in college studying biology, it was recommended to take German as a foreign language. The reason being that many of the top chemistry journals were (are still?) printed in German.


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Thanks much.

Tim/Robin said:
-EJ said:

We ALWAYS appreciate a book recommendation. Thanks, Ed. And you are probably your worst critic about your writing. We think you are a great writer! Submit something! You'll never know until you do.

True that German publications are top-notch. When I (Robin) was in college studying biology, it was recommended to take German as a foreign language. The reason being that many of the top chemistry journals were (are still?) printed in German.


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We ALWAYS appreciate a book recommendation. Thanks, Ed. And you are probably your worst critic about your writing. We think you are a great writer! Submit something! You'll never know until you do.

I think Ed is a great writer too. A knowledgeable keeper with years of experience. And a nice guy.


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Thanks Carl... did you at least get a free copy?

(Some of the Carls tortoises are pictured in the book.)

cdmay said:

We ALWAYS appreciate a book recommendation. Thanks, Ed. And you are probably your worst critic about your writing. We think you are a great writer! Submit something! You'll never know until you do.

I think Ed is a great writer too. A knowledgeable keeper with years of experience. And a nice guy.


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-EJ said:
Thanks Carl... did you at least get a free copy?

Yep, I got a free copy. But they messed up on some of the credits or captions. On page 78 the bottom right photo is not my photo but is Mark and Allegra Fung-Lue's and it is the same animal in the middle left column. Also on page 78 on the bottom left is a photo of Paul Rattay's (whos name they misspelled througout the book) yellow headed cherryhead. But in the book the head looks orange instead of yellow.
On page 207 there is another Paul Rattay photo that is credited to me somehow.
I am also kind of embarrassed by the photo on page 191 (bottom right) as that yearling cherryhead has a lumpy shell. It is my hatchling but I DID NOT raise it. I sold it to a guy who kept it in an air conditioned apartment in Ft. Lauderdale and a year or so after he got it he wanted me to look at it as he was worried that there was something wrong with its carapace that was 'turning white'. I had sent that photo to Thomas and Sabine Vinke a long time ago and forgot about it. I didn't know they were going to use it in the book. Yikes!
But aside from these minor bugs (which most books contain yet most people are not aware of) I think it is a fine work.
Those French Guiana redfoots are gorgeous huh?!


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You have to think about it... do you really think that a book of that magnetude could be perfect???... it's still very good.

Also... way too much info on your part... cool history though.

I'll be willing to bet they would leave all americans out if they could... both yours and Pauls animals were used for a reason... very nice.

cdmay said:
-EJ said:
Thanks Carl... did you at least get a free copy?

Yep, I got a free copy. But they messed up on some of the credits or captions. On page 78 the bottom right photo is not my photo but is Mark and Allegra Fung-Lue's and it is the same animal in the middle left column. Also on page 78 on the bottom left is a photo of Paul Rattay's (whos name they misspelled througout the book) yellow headed cherryhead. But in the book the head looks orange instead of yellow.
On page 207 there is another Paul Rattay photo that is credited to me somehow.
I am also kind of embarrassed by the photo on page 191 (bottom right) as that yearling cherryhead has a lumpy shell. It is my hatchling but I DID NOT raise it. I sold it to a guy who kept it in an air conditioned apartment in Ft. Lauderdale and a year or so after he got it he wanted me to look at it as he was worried that there was something wrong with its carapace that was 'turning white'. I had sent that photo to Thomas and Sabine Vinke a long time ago and forgot about it. I didn't know they were going to use it in the book. Yikes!
But aside from these minor bugs (which most books contain yet most people are not aware of) I think it is a fine work.
Those French Guiana redfoots are gorgeous huh?!


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Also... way too much info on your part... cool history though.

EJ, too much onfo on my part? Of course but when you're an obsessive/compulsive like me it goes with the territory.
Seriously though I do agree that it is a fine work and like you said, a book that inclusive is bound to have some minor issues.
BTW, I heard that Vetter is 'difficult' from some folks who would know...


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Jan 4, 2008
Hey, thanks for posting the info on this book -Ej. cdmay , is there any place online where you posted photos of your red foots ? I would love to check them out.


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Redfootedboxturtles....I have some old photos on the Kingsnake.com website but nothing recent.
I really need to figure out how to post photos here but I am not too literate on the computer.


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Sep 18, 2008
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Thanks for the heads up......got mine in the mail yesterday....EXCELLENT book. I just browsed through it and I can already tell how much valuable information is in this book.

I wish they wrote a book like this on the tortoises of Madagascar.


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Sep 18, 2008
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In the South American Tortoises book...they mentioned something about a redfoot tortoise and radiated tortoise crossbreeding...I forgot what page.

Does anyone have pics or links to pics of the offspring?
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